Online claiming - what was delivered?
Online claiming was delivered in two parts - November 2013 and May 2015.
Online claiming was delivered in two parts - November 2013 and May 2015.
CMVS provided clarity about DVA benefits to which veterans and families may be entitled.
DVA legislation with complex overlaps and dependencies across schemes present challenges for DVA staff, clients and prospective clients.
Where there is potential coverage by multiple Acts a claimant may be faced with comparing many options and making a once off election for a claim that could have ongoing financial implications.
CMVS brought DVA’s service providers online and gave them many more engagement options.
DVA supports the Australian Government strategic directions for connected-up service delivery by offering the choice of online self service.
The Integrated Support Hub (ISH) breathed new life into old systems and released value from existing data.
CMVS made claiming online possible and removed confusion about complex legislation.
In November 2013 CMVS delivered access to a 24/7 online claim lodgement service for prospective (via the public website) and existing DVA clients (via MyAccount). Online they can:
Here are some comments from users of the Australian War Graves system:
To experience the War Graves online system click the link below.
To manage Australian War Graves, the end-to-end system enabled:
The objectives of the Australian War Graves project were to:
CMVS revolutionised the search, building and maintenance management for Australian War Graves and commemorations.