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From 1953

Jan - Mar 1953



20 Jan 1953

Eisenhower inaugurated as President of the US.

Jan-Feb 1953

Winter lull in fighting in Korea.

2 Feb 1953

Eisenhower announces that US Seventh Fleet would no longer prevent Chiang Kai-shek's forces from attacking the Chinese mainland.

11 Feb 1953

Lieutenant General Maxwell Taylor succeeds Van Fleet as Eighth Army commander.

22 Feb 1953

UN Command proposes exchange of sick and wounded prisoners of war, as a preliminary to full exchange of prisoners.

5 Mar 1953

Stalin dies.

28 Mar 1953

Communists announce acceptance of UN Command proposals for exchange of sick and wounded prisoners of war.

Apr - Jun 1953



6-9 Apr 1953

Five-power military representatives meet at Pearl Harbour.

20 Apr-3 May 1953

Exchange of sick and wounded prisoners of war, Operation Little Switch, at Panmunjom.

26 Apr 1953

Armistice negotiations resume at Panmunjom.

7 May 1953

Communist negotiators at Panmunjom present an eight-point proposal regarding repatriation of prisoners of war, including establishment of Neutral Nations Repatriation Commission.

25 May 1953

UN Command makes final armistice proposal at Panmunjom.

3-10 Jun 1953

Commonwealth Prime Ministers Conference, London.

4 Jun 1953

Communists accept most of UN Command proposals.

10 Jun 1953

Churchill, Menzies and Holland meet after the last session of the Commonwealth Prime Ministers Conference to discuss Pacific defence matters.

10-16 Jun 1953

Chinese launch offensive against II ROK Corps near Kumsong.

18 Jun 1953

Rhee releases 25,000 anti-Communist Korean prisoners of war.

Jul - Sep 1953



10 Jul 1953

Dulles, Salisbury and Bidault meet in Washington to discuss policy for a wider settlement with the Communist powers.

13 Jul 1953

Final Communist offensive begins.

16 Jul 1953

UN Command counter-offensive begins.

19 Jul 1953

Negotiators at Panmunjom reach final agreement on all aspects of armistice.

27 Jul 1953

Armistice signed (10am) and comes into effect (10pm).

Australia signs China-warning statement.

5 Aug-6 Sep 1953

Exchange of prisoners of war.

7 Aug 1953

Text of China-warning statement announced in Allied Joint Policy Declaration.

8 Aug 1953

Mutual Defence Treaty between the US and the ROK initialled in Seoul.

17 Aug 1953

Special Session of the Seventh UNGA begins to discuss the final peace conference on the Korean war.

28 Aug 1953

UNGA resolves that all belligerent powers should participate in the peace conference.

13 Sep 1953

Chinese reply to UNGA resolution and suggest important amendments, including the addition of five neutral nations to the peace conference participants.

15 Sep 1953

Eighth Session of UNGA begins.

16 Sep 1953

Sixteen nations contributing forces to UN Command meet to concert strategy for the peace conference.

23 Sep 1953

UN Command transfers control of more than 22,000 prisoners refusing repatriation to the Neutral Nations Repatriation Commission, and the Indian Custodian Force in the demilitarised zone.

1 Oct 1953

Mutual Defence Treaty between US and the ROK signed in Washington by ROK Foreign Minister and Secretary of State John Foster Dulles.

19-22 Oct 1953

Chiefs of Staff Conference, Melbourne, recommends formation of Commonwealth Far East Strategic Reserve in Malaya.

26 Oct 1953

The first preparatory meeting for the peace conference is convened at Panmunjom but has little result.

3 Nov 1953

UNGA recommends impartial investigation of germ warfare charges against UN Command forces.

3 Dec 1953

UNGA condemns atrocities committed by North Koreans and Chinese against the UN Command prisoners of war in their charge.