Choice and Maintainability in Veterans' Services - the name of the DVA Online Services Program from 2010-2015

Qualifying Service Check

For May 2015 CMVS successfully negotiated with Department of Defence (DoD) to release to DVA service data of current and former members.  This was used to somewhat automate claims for Qualifying Service lodged via MyAccount.

Users enter their service details which are checked against DoD records.  If there is a match to a post-1997 service record, the CMVS system checks against service tables.  If the service qualifies the MyAccount user will see immediate notification of Qualifying Service on screen.

ESO Portal - user comments

"I love the Portal it saves me heaps of time!"

Harry - Pensions Officer NSW

"Originally apprehensive, but now - I much prefer lodging claims this way."

Bob - Pensions Officer Qld

"It makes it easier for everyone."

Janice - Advocate Vic

"The portal is meeting my expectations, I look forward of the expansion to a full on line capability of all areas that I use in my work as an advocate."

Jim - Advocate NSW


Change manager - Tim Little

Biggest challenge

"DVA has a wide variability in the maturity of underlying compentencies, and a strong tendency towards risk aversion.  This makes delivering 'innovative' solutions very challenging for individual operational staff, where they may not have previously been 'brought along the journey' in their history with DVA or the APS."

Ned Baric - lead business analyst

Biggest challenge

"People said it wouldn’t work. Clients too old, legislation too complex.  Difficulty convincing people that DVA clients would be keen for online service.  The stats support it.  Transport has been a good example."

Greatest achievement

"Not many projects have a one-stop-shop located in one section: testers, Bas, Dev, CCT.  People able to manage and process a transaction in a way consistent with existing legislation and systems.  Flat structure.  Great bunch of committed and dedicated professionals.