There are many interesting messages at the bottom of all the PRACSYS screens.  They are divided into three groups and are colour identifiable:

  • YELLOWMost common, information messages;

  • PINKWarning messages;

  • REDError messages.

Yellow messages provide information about when the system is available for use, when there are diaries for a claim and other general information of use when within a specific screen.

Pink messages should not be taken lightly.  They are warning that something relating to what is being worked on needs to be noted.  It may well be that a payment is being made for an account where total claim investigation is currently being undertaken.

While warning messages do not prevent the continuation of data entry, they must be read.  Unfortunately, some claim processes bring up three, four and sometimes even five individual warning messages in a row to read.  However, each one is providing important information.

Red messages are error messages and are indicating that something has been entered incorrectly or a mandatory field on the system has been left blank.  The error must be corrected before anything further can be done.