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10.3.3 Monitoring and record keeping - rehabilitation provisions

Prior to any aid or appliance being issued under the rehabilitation provisions, the Rehabilitation Coordinator should request a RAPTOR report to ensure that they have a good understanding of what aids and appliances have been previously provided to the client. A RAPTOR report can be requested by contacting the Manager, RAP Operations. If requested, RAPTOR reports should be printed and placed on the client’s file and in the client’s UIN container in TRIM.

10.3.2 Issues to be considered when assessing reasonableness

When reviewing requests for alterations, modifications, aids and/or appliances to be provided through the rehabilitation provisions, the following issues are to be considered:

  •  whether, based on an assessment from a suitably qualified health provider and advice from the client’s treating practitioners, Occupational Therapist (OT), Physiotherapist, Podiatrist or other allied health provider, the client has an assessed need for the item or service due to their accepted conditions;

10.3.1 Criteria for provision of aids and appliances through the rehabilitation provisions

If the requested aid and/or appliance is not available through the Rehabilitation Appliances Program (RAP), it may be provided through section 39 of DRCA or section 54 to 59 in Chapter 3 of MRCA. The requested aid or appliance must be reasonably required by the client to meet their needs or enable them to reach their rehabilitation goals.

10.2.6 Monitoring and record keeping - RAP

Aids and appliances provided through the Rehabilitation Appliances Program (RAP) will be recorded on RAPTOR, RAP’s IT system. Reports are available on what items have been supplied to Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation (Defence-related Claims) Act 1988 (DRCA) and Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2004 (MRCA) clients by contacting the Manager, RAP Operations. If requested, RAPTOR reports should be printed and placed on the client’s file and in the client’s UIN container in TRIM.

10.2.5 Managing the costs of sourcing and ordering aids and appliances

DVA registered health providers

There are many advantages in referring a client to a DVA registered health provider. This is because if that health provider is a registered DVA provider, they can source RAP aids and appliances directly through a DVA contracted supplier. DVA registered health providers can also invoice the Department directly for their work in sourcing, ordering and instructing clients on the safe use of aids and appliances provided through RAP.

10.2.1 The Rehabilitation Appliances Program (RAP)

The Rehabilitation Appliances Program aims to provide aids, appliances and modifications that support veterans and their families through the provision of aids and appliances that may minimise the impact of disabilities, enhance quality of life, facilitate participation in the community and maximise independence when undertaking daily living activities and enhance overall well-being.

Clients may be eligible for RAP if they have an assessed clinical need for an aid or appliance and a:

10.1.2 The Rehabilitation Appliances Program (RAP)

Legislative change extending eligibility to a DVA Health Card for Specific Conditions (White Card) for DRCA clients has created some changes in the way that aids and appliances are provided. DRCA clients who hold a White Card are now not able to access medical aids and appliances through section 16 of the DRCA. These changes mean that consideration must first be given to whether the required aid or appliance can be provided through RAP.
