administrative powers, 11.9.1
delegate's role and responsibilities, 11.9.3/Role and Responsibilities of a Delegate of the Repatriation Commission
direct credit powers, 11.5.2/Powers of Commission in Relation to Direct Credit Payments
information-gathering powers, 12.2
may determine two people not a couple, 9.3.3
not bound by rules of evidence, 2.3.2/Making Decisions Under the VEA
obligations imposed by, 12.1.3
pays for medical treatment, 7.1.1
proof of identity, 2.2.1
proof, standards and onus of, 2.3.1
review determinations, 12.5.2; 12.5.6
treatment of unidentifiable conditions, 7.3
VCES determinations, 8 Determination of Assistance (ESPM)
view of incurred danger, 1.2.1/Incurred Danger