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Assets assessment


accommodation bonds, 9.2.4/Accommodation Bonds

care situations, 9.2.4

departure from principal home, 9.2.7

details provided to pension recipient, 11.10.2

exempt from deemed income rules, 9.5.3/General Exemptions from Deeming

income streams, 10.5.4

lump sum amounts used to acquire assets, 10.1.3/Exempt Lump Sums

multiple residences, 9.2.2/Principal Home

principal home, 9.2.2

private company involvement, 10.3.3

residential situation, 9.2.1

sole traders or partnerships, 10.3.2

superannuation benefits, 10.4.3

trust involvement, 10.3.4

vehicles, 10.2.4/Assets Value of Personal Effects, Household Contents, Vehicles and Cash

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