
The latest version of the claim forms allow the client to give their consent for the delegate to consider their claim under one or more of the Acts. For example, where the client has submitted a D2020 SRCA claim for compensation, using the latest version of the form which includes the Cross-Act Authority, but the injury or disease should be determined under the VEA or MRCA, then the claim can be accepted under the VEA or MRCA. 


Please note that if a claim is submitted on the incorrect claim form and it is missing some of the information needed to make a full assessment, then you should investigate and obtain the required information from the client.

A Release Authority form is not required in circumstances where the claim is lodged on the latest version of a claim form.

A Release Authority form is not sufficient in cases where an old version of the MRCA or a SRCA claim form has been lodged for a VEA condition, that claim can be accepted as an informal claim under the VEA.  However, a formal VEA claim on a D2582 must be lodged subsequently. The rules on page are not applicable when the client has lodged the latest form which provides the Cross-Act Authority, but be aware the rules applicable to denying the claim lodged under the incorrect Act still apply.