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14.8.9 Amending a plan

Plans should be regularly reviewed (at least every six months) to ensure the person is receiving the appropriate supports and their plan is helping them manage their life circumstances. Plans may also be regularly amended to keep them current as well as manage risks arising from recipients not engaging with their supports or DVA. Plans should be amended when:

  • any changes to services are required, including adding services or removing services
  • if the timeframes for services need to be adjusted
  • where the funding amounts need to be adjusted
  • where there has been a change of outcome or goal

Re-assessment of needs/goals

The re-assessment of needs/goals under a support plan will depend on individual circumstances and a range of factors including the type of crisis and family dynamic, the nature of the supports approved, and a person’s engagement with DVA. There are no set intervals at which such a re‑assessment must occur. For some recipients with more complex needs, every one to three months may be appropriate; for others, a six-monthly review may be sufficient. This will be guided by the Case Manager’s assessment of individual circumstances.