Chapter 25: 7-step example calculation
Chapter 25: 7-step example calculation
Chapter 25 of GARP M provides the 7-step formula for determining transitional permanent impairment claims for veterans with accepted conditions under the MRCA as well as the VEA and / or the DRCA.
In cases where veterans have accepted conditions arising from different service types, as is common in transitional scenarios, the combined ratings (weighted compensation) formula in Chapter 23 of GARP M will be used to find the CF final in the formula. An example is as follows:
Following on from the example at Chapter 12.7.4 of the MRCA Transitional Provisions Policy Manual, Warrant Officer Smith has 4 accepted service-related conditions:
Step 1:
Use GARP M to assess, as at the date of the MRCA determination, the combined effect of:
all MRCA conditions, and
all VEA / DRCA accepted conditions
to work out the resulting compensation that would notionally be payable under MRCA.
Step 1(a) is 35 points using Table 18.1 of GARP M. Step 1(b) is 10 points. The combined rating of all conditions at Step 1 is 42.
CF (w) 0.461
CF (p) 0.258
CF (final) 0.380
CF final is multiplied by the maximum weekly rate under the MRCA to find the notional amount payable under the MRCA for all conditions.
Please refer to the full Chapter 23 formula in GARP M for more information and Chapter 12.7.4 for a full example of the calculations to find the CF final using the combined ratings (weighted compensation) formula.
Step 2:
Assess whether, under GARP M, the MRCA accepted conditions at Step 1(a) contribute at least 5 points to the overall impairment rating. If yes, go to step 3.
As noted at Step 1 above, the MRCA conditions (Step 1(a)) is 35 points, which is more than a 5-point contribution to the overall points of 42. Therefore, proceed to step 3.
Step 3:
Work out the amount payable under the MRCA for the VEA / DRCA conditions, referred
to at step 1, as if those conditions were MRCA conditions.
CF (w) 0.213
CF (p) 0.119
CF (final) 0.120
CF final is multiplied by the maximum weekly rate under the MRCA to find the
notional amount payable under the MRCA for VEA / DRCA conditions.
Step 4:
Subtract the dollar amount at step 3 from the dollar amount at step 1.
Step 5:
The amount payable at step 4 is the amount payable, subject to proviso at step 6.
Step 6:
The amount payable cannot take the total of the following payments above the MRCA PI maximum rate:
the amount worked out at step 4; and
the weekly VEA DCP; and
the converted** DRCA lump sum to weekly.
If it does exceed the MRCA PI maximum rate, step 7 applies.
** DRCA permanent impairment lump sums at (c) are converted using the formula in Section 6 of the Military Rehabilitation and Compensation (Consequential and Transitional Provisions) Regulations 2020
Step 7:
The amount payable is equal to the amount at Step 4 minus the MRCA PI ‘excess’.
The MRCA PI ‘excess’ is:
the dollar amount at step 6(b), plus
the dollar amount at step 6(c), minus
the current MRCA PI maximum rate.
Source URL: https://clik.dva.gov.au/node/86607