Income support asset limits 20 September 2021

 Old rateNew RateDifference
Income support asset limits01/07/202120/09/2021 
Assets value limit   
Homeowner Limit 
Single $    270,500.00 $    270,500.00 $               -  
Partnered (each) including illness separated and respite care $    202,500.00 $    202,500.00 $               -  
Non-homeowner Limit 
Single $    487,000.00 $    487,000.00 $               -  
Partnered (each) including illness separated and respite care $    310,750.00 $    310,750.00 $               -  
Extra allowable amount Limit 
Extra allowable amount $    216,500.00 $    216,500.00 $               -  
Asset Levels at which SP/AP ceases (non-transitional)   
Low Limit Limit 
Not a Member of a Couple $    588,250.00 $    593,000.00 $      4,750.00
Partnered - combined $    884,000.00 $    891,500.00 $      7,500.00
Illness Separated - combined $  1,040,500.00 $  1,050,000.00 $      9,500.00
High Limit (without RA) Limit 
Not a Member of a Couple $    804,750.00 $    809,500.00 $      4,750.00
Partnered - combined $  1,100,500.00 $  1,108,000.00 $      7,500.00
Illness Separated - combined $  1,257,000.00 $  1,266,500.00 $      9,500.00
Asset Levels at which ISS ceases (non-transitional)   
Low Limit Limit 
Not a Member of a Couple $    583,500.00 $    588,500.00 $      5,000.00
Partnered - combined $    877,000.00 $    884,500.00 $      7,500.00
Illness Separated - combined $  1,031,000.00 $  1,041,000.00 $    10,000.00
High Limit (without RA) Limit 
Not a Member of a Couple $    800,000.00 $    805,000.00 $      5,000.00
Partnered - combined $  1,093,500.00 $  1,101,000.00 $      7,500.00
Illness Separated - combined $  1,247,500.00 $  1,257,500.00 $    10,000.00
Asset Levels at which SP/AP ceases (transitional)   
Low Limit Limit 
Not a Member of a Couple $    536,000.00 $    539,750.00 $      3,750.00
Partnered - combined $    833,500.00 $    839,500.00 $      6,000.00
Illness Separated - combined $    936,000.00 $    943,500.00 $      7,500.00
High Limit (without RA) Limit 
Not a Member of a Couple $    752,500.00 $    756,250.00 $      3,750.00
Partnered - combined $  1,050,000.00 $  1,056,000.00 $      6,000.00
Illness Separated - combined $  1,152,500.00 $  1,160,000.00 $      7,500.00
Asset Levels at which ISS ceases (transitional)   
Low Limit Limit 
Not a Member of a Couple $    531,250.00 $    535,000.00 $      3,750.00
Partnered - combined $    826,500.00 $    832,500.00 $      6,000.00
Illness Separated - combined $    926,500.00 $    934,000.00 $      7,500.00
High Limit (without RA) Limit 
Not a Member of a Couple $    747,750.00 $    751,500.00 $      3,750.00
Partnered - combined $  1,043,000.00 $  1,049,000.00 $      6,000.00
Illness Separated - combined $  1,143,000.00 $  1,150,500.00 $      7,500.00
Asset Levels at which VP ceases   
Low Limit Limit 
Not a Member of a Couple $    614,250.00 $    619,750.00 $      5,500.00
Partnered - combined $    941,000.00 $    949,500.00 $      8,500.00
Illness Separated - combined $  1,092,500.00 $  1,103,500.00 $    11,000.00
High Limit (without RA) Limit 
Not a Member of a Couple $    830,750.00 $    836,250.00 $      5,500.00
Partnered - combined $  1,157,500.00 $  1,166,000.00 $      8,500.00
Illness Separated - combined $  1,309,000.00 $  1,320,000.00 $    11,000.00
Assets at which minimum payment paid (non-transitional)   
Homeowner Limit 
Not a Member of a Couple $    571,000.00 $    575,750.00 $      4,750.00
Partnered - combined $    858,000.00 $    865,000.00 $      7,000.00
Illness Separated - combined $  1,006,000.00 $  1,015,500.00 $      9,500.00
Non-homeowner Limit 
Not a Member of a Couple $    787,500.00 $    792,250.00 $      4,750.00
Partnered - combined $  1,074,500.00 $  1,081,500.00 $      7,000.00
Illness Separated - combined $  1,222,500.00 $  1,232,000.00 $      9,500.00
Assets at which minimum payment paid (transitional)   
Homeowner Limit 
Not a Member of a Couple $    518,750.00 $    522,250.00 $      3,500.00
Partnered - combined $    807,500.00 $    813,000.00 $      5,500.00
Illness Separated - combined $    901,500.00 $    908,500.00 $      7,000.00
Non-homeowner Limit 
Not a Member of a Couple $    735,250.00 $    738,750.00 $      3,500.00
Partnered - combined $  1,024,000.00 $  1,029,500.00 $      5,500.00
Illness Separated - combined $  1,118,000.00 $  1,125,000.00 $      7,000.00
Assets at which minimum payment paid (veteran payment)   
Homeowner Limit 
Not a Member of a Couple $    601,750.00 $    607,000.00 $      5,250.00
Partnered - combined $    922,000.00 $    930,000.00 $      8,000.00
Illness Separated - combined $  1,067,500.00 $  1,078,000.00 $    10,500.00
Non-homeowner Limit 
Not a Member of a Couple $    818,250.00 $    823,500.00 $      5,250.00
Partnered - combined $  1,138,500.00 $  1,146,500.00 $      8,000.00
Illness Separated - combined $  1,284,000.00 $  1,294,500.00 $    10,500.00
Assets at which ISS reduces (non-transitional)   
Homeowner Limit 
Not a Member of a Couple $    488,000.00 $    491,250.00 $      3,250.00
Partnered - combined $    685,500.00 $    690,000.00 $      4,500.00
Illness Separated - combined $    840,000.00 $    846,500.00 $      6,500.00
Non-homeowner Limit 
Not a Member of a Couple $    704,500.00 $    707,750.00 $      3,250.00
Partnered - combined $    902,000.00 $    906,500.00 $      4,500.00
Illness Separated - combined $  1,056,500.00 $  1,063,000.00 $      6,500.00
Assets at which ISS reduces (transitional)   
Homeowner Limit 
Not a Member of a Couple $    435,750.00 $    438,000.00 $      2,250.00
Partnered - combined $    635,000.00 $    638,000.00 $      3,000.00
Illness Separated - combined $    735,500.00 $    740,000.00 $      4,500.00
Non-homeowner Limit 
Not a Member of a Couple $    652,250.00 $    654,500.00 $      2,250.00
Partnered - combined $    851,500.00 $    854,500.00 $      3,000.00
Illness Separated - combined $    952,000.00 $    956,500.00 $      4,500.00

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