13.11 Posthumous SRDP and compensation for dependents

A claim for SRDP cannot be accepted after the death of a veteran. A SRDP claim is not required after death in order to pay compensation for dependents.

Liability cannot be accepted for SRDP after a veterans death because at least one of the eligibility criteria can not be met at the point in time the claim is being determined i.e. 199(1)(a) regarding incapacity payments.  Section 199 operates prospectively only.

For dependants to be considered eligible under Section 12(2) and section 233, the Commission is able to retrospectively consider whether the deceased person would have met the eligibility criteria under section 199 at some point prior to death, however a SRDP determination to that effect is not required. Instead, a determination can be made under section 12(2) that a deceased person met the eligibility criteria of subsection 199(1) at some point during their life.

SRDP delegates may be able to assist in investigating and establishing whether the person would have met the SRDP criteria at some point prior to death.

Source URL: https://clik.dva.gov.au/military-compensation-mrca-manuals-and-resources-library/policy-manual/ch-13-special-rate-disability-pension/1311-posthumous-srdp-and-compensation-dependents

Last amended