9.12.3 Provision of uniforms and other essential equipment

DVA may provide uniforms and other essential equipment where these are required to enable the person to perform their role. There are slight differences in approach where a client has secured permanent employment, compared to where a client is participating in a work trial. Refer to section 9.9.5 of this library for information about uniforms and similar equipment for clients participating in work trials.

Permanent employment

If a client obtains paid permanent employment as a result of their participation in a vocational rehabilitation plan, DVA may consider funding for:

  • basic essential equipment and uniforms required to perform the duties of the role or address a client’s level of injury such as, a heavy duty belt to hold items such as a torch or other equipment for a security guard role; and
  • Workplace Health and Safety (WH&S) equipment and clothing that are required for the role, but may not supplied by the employer such as, steel cap boots or high visibility clothing.

Where basic essential clothing or equipment is being requested for a person who is about to commence permanent employment, the reasonableness of the request must be taken into consideration as follows:

  • whether the provision of the item/s is reasonable or above the level that would normally be required for an employee in that workplace e.g. where a client is commencing employment as a chauffeur, it would be reasonable for DVA to provide funding for a basic two piece suit rather than a high end suit;
  • the cost in purchasing the item and alternative arrangements such as, leasing or hiring the item for a short term period, until the client is able to purchase their own item; and
  • potential improvements to the client's general functioning, or psychological wellbeing through having access to relevant and appropriate equipment for their role.

Where DVA purchases uniforms and/or essential equipment to enable a client to commence paid employment, then these items become the property of the client. If the client leaves their employment for a new industry or a new role which has different uniform or equipment requirements, DVA will not provide payment for these items. This is because, as they have been in paid employment, they now have the financial capacity to cover these costs themselves.

DVA may also provide ergonomic equipment and other workplace aids and appliances that the client requires to be able to safely fulfil the requirements of their role. Further information about workplace aids and appliances can be found in section 10.7.4 of this library.

DVA will not provide payment for the costs of uniforms or other similar equipment associated with starting a new business. This is because these costs are regarded as part of the expected costs of establishing that business.

Source URL: https://clik.dva.gov.au/rehabilitation-policy-library/9-vocational-rehabilitation/912-assistance-finding-suitable-employment/9123-provision-uniforms-and-other-essential-equipment

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