Receiving the Schoolkids Bonus (ceased December 2016) Receiving the Schoolkids Bonus

The Schoolkids Bonus was paid every January and July, ceased in December 2016 with the last instalment paid in July 2016.

Parents or Guardians

A parent or guardian received the Schoolkids Bonus in relation to an eligible individual if they received an education allowance on behalf of the child during the previous education period in relation to the bonus test day.


A student received the Schoolkids Bonus if they were deemed an eligible individual and were receiving their education allowance during the previous education period in relation to the bonus test day.

Shared Care – Receiving both an education allowance and Family Tax Benefit (FTB) (students under the age of 16)

If a parent or guardian received a proportion of an education allowance because they shared the care of an eligible individual child with a former spouse/partner, then the proportion of the Schoolkids Bonus that the parent received was the same as the proportion allocated under the FTB A formula. See the table below.


Individual’s percentage of care


Shared care payment percentage

< 35 %

0 %

35 % to < 48 %

25 % plus

2 % for each percentage point > 35 %

48 % to 52 %

50 %

52 % to 65 %

51 % plus

2 % for each percentage point > 53 %

> 65 %

100 %

Example 1

A separated parent had 47 per cent custody to care for their child who had been deemed an eligible individual. The parent received 49 per cent (FTB shared care payment percentage) of the Schoolkids Bonus for that child.

Example 2

A separated parent had 35 per cent custody to care for their child who had been deemed an eligible individual. The parent received 25 per cent (FTB shared care payment percentage) of the Schoolkids Bonus for that child.

Shared Care – Receiving an education allowance only (FTB mutually exclusive for students aged 16 and over)

If parents each received a proportion of an education allowance because they shared the care of an eligible individual child with a former spouse/partner, then the proportion of the Schoolkids Bonus that each parent received was the same as for the education allowance (which was determined according to the FTB A formula).


Separated parents shared custody on a 47/53 split to care for their child who had been deemed an eligible individual and the parents elected to receive the education allowance rather than FTB. The parent who provided 47 per cent of the care received 49 per cent of the education allowance and thus will received 49 per cent of the Schoolkids Bonus. The parent who provided 53 per cent of the care then received 51 per cent of the education allowance and 51 per cent of the Schoolkids Bonus.

Death of a student

Consistent with VCES and MRCAETS policy, if an eligible student died, the education allowance ceased on notification of the death and therefore no further Schoolkids Bonus was paid.

Overseas Students

If a child moved overseas before 30 June or 1 January test dates, they would have been considered as not undertaking school on the bonus test day and not in receipt of a qualifying payment and therefore not eligible for the Schoolkids Bonus.

If the child moved overseas on 1 July or 2 January (after the test date) and had met all the eligibility criteria for their most recent bonus test day for the previous education period (six months), they were eligible to receive the Schoolkids Bonus.

A child who moved overseas on the bonus test day was entitled to the Schoolkids Bonus only if they were also granted an education allowance that covered the test day.

There are some exceptions where a client may have continued to receive the education allowance whilst studying overseas if approved [see Place of Study]. In this case, as were receiving the qualifying payment (education allowance), they would also have received the Schoolkids Bonus.

Income Management

If a client was Income Managed (see DVA Factsheet IS150 Welfare Payment Reforms), the Schoolkids Bonus was also Income Managed. The client may have been in receipt of income support such as Service Pension or Income Support Supplement from DVA or Family Tax Benefit from the Department of Human Services. Please note that DVA education allowance is not Income Managed because they are considered to be compensation payments.


Source URL: https://clik.dva.gov.au/compensation-and-support-policy-library/part-13-education-schemes-policy-manual/136-other-assistance/1364-schoolkids-bonus/13644-receiving-schoolkids-bonus-ceased-december-2016

Last amended