13.2.7 Conflict of interest issues for rehabilitation service providers

It is important that no conflict of interest arises, where clients receive a range of services from a rehabilitation service provider.

For example, if a rehabilitation service provider company provides clinical services, such as clinical counselling, then this may create a potential conflict of interest if they also provide medical management rehabilitation to the same client. This is because the role of a medical management rehabilitation service provider is not to provide treatment or medical advice, but rather to support the client to remain on-track, and progress their treatment.

The aim of this approach is to support a client in recovering from their physical and/or mental health injuries as fully as possible. Self management of medical treatment needs and/or progression to vocational rehabilitation, where this is possible and appropriate, would be the ultimate goal of a medical management rehabilitation plan. The risk in this example is the provider's role may become "blurred" and confused if they attempted to deliver both of these services at the same time, to the same client.

In all cases, the client's needs and interests must be paramount.

Source URL: https://clik.dva.gov.au/rehabilitation-library/13-rights-and-obligations/132-claimant-and-delegate-responsibilities-and-conflict-interest/1327-conflict-interest-issues-rehabilitation-service-providers

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