Frostbite S013
Current RMA Instruments
Reasonable Hypothesis SOP | 11 of 2018 |
Balance of Probabilities SOP | 12 of 2018 |
Changes from previous Instruments
ICD Coding
- ICD-9-CM Codes: 991.0, 991.1, 991.2, 991.3
- ICD-10-AMCodes: T33, T34, T35.
Brief description
In frostbite the local body region (fingers, toes, ears, nose, chin) is frozen leading to direct damage to cells and damage to biological tissue through ischaemia. The severity of the damage can only be fully evaluated some days to weeks after the complete rewarming of the affected area.
Confirming the diagnosis
The diagnosis is made on clincial grounds, based on the context of the injury, the signs and the symptoms.
Additional diagnoses covered by SOP
- Nil
Conditions excluded from SOP
- Chilblains*
- Frostnip# - no permanent tissue damage
- Hypothermia#
- Non-freezing cold injury*
* another SOP applies - the SOP has the same name unless otherwise specified
# non-SOP condition
Clinical onset
Clinical onset will be when evidence of tissue freezing was first evident, and within 24 hours of the relevant exposure to freezing conditions.
Clinical worsening
The only SOP worsening factor is for inability to obtain appropriate clinical management. Timely diagnosis and treatment (rewarming and other measures) is essential to maximize tissue salvage.
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