Acquired abnormal tracking of the patella
Chondromalacia patella - Acquired abnormal tracking of the patella Factor
The SOP requirement is having acquired abnormal tracking of the patella of the affected knee for at least the three months before the clinical onset or worsening of chondromalacia patella.
The RMA has defined abnormal tracking of the patella as aberrant movement or position of the patella relative to the femoral condyles in the course of knee flexion or extension.
To meet the RMA definition there has to be disordered alignment of the knee joint. Congenital malalignment conditions are no longer covered in this definition.
The only realistic acquired causes are malunited fractures causing malalignment of the knee joint, and open (not arthroscopic) knee surgery for another condition, particularly if involving a parapatellar incision. Other acquired causes of valgus/varus deformity of the knee would generally come on too late in life to be relevant.
Establishing a history of abnormal tracking of the patella
If the person had abnormal tracking of the patella it is very likely he or she would have sought some type of medical attention at some time, unless circumstances such as being in combat, or the unavailability of medical facilities prevented the seeking of treatment. Such medical treatment would normally be recorded in doctors' notes and/or hospital records. However, these records may have been destroyed or can no longer be obtained. Therefore, if there is a reliable history of appropriate medical treatment at a particular time, this generally will be accepted, unless there is contradictory evidence. Seek medical advice if it is unclear whether the claimed symptoms and treatment at that time can be attributed to an acquired abnormal tracking of the patella rather than to some other condition.
Last reviewed for CCPS 16 June 2014.
Investigative Documents
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Medical Report | Acquired Abnormal Tracking of the Patella |
Preliminary questions [12925]
13042 there is some evidence that acquired abnormal tracking of the patella may be a factor in the development or worsening of the chondromalacia patella.
13043 the veteran had an acquired abnormal tracking of the patella of side and site of the body at some time.
13054 the acquired abnormal tracking of the patella of side and site of the body was due to an illness or injury which is identifiable.
31131 the veteran has established the causal connection between the acquired abnormal tracking of the patella and VEA service for chondromalacia patella.
13044 the veteran had the identified illness or injury that caused the acquired abnormal tracking of the patella of side and site of the body for at least the three months before the clinical onset of the chondromalacia patella.
13046 the veteran has established the causal connection between the acquired abnormal tracking of the patella and VEA service for the clinical onset of chondromalacia patella.
13047 the veteran has established the causal connection between the acquired abnormal tracking of the patella and operational service for the clinical onset of chondromalacia patella.
13048 the veteran has established the causal connection between the acquired abnormal tracking of the patella and eligible service for the clinical onset of chondromalacia patella.
7334 the clinical onset of the condition under consideration occurred after the end of the veteran's last period of VEA service.
7335 the condition under consideration permanently worsened.
31135 the veteran had the identified illness or injury that caused the acquired abnormal tracking of the patella of side and site of the body for at least the three months before the clinical worsening of the chondromalacia patella.
31132 the veteran has established the causal connection between the acquired abnormal tracking of the patella and VEA service for the clinical worsening of chondromalacia patella.
31133 the veteran has established the causal connection between the acquired abnormal tracking of the patella and operational service for the clinical worsening of chondromalacia patella.
31134 the veteran has established the causal connection between the acquired abnormal tracking of the patella and eligible service for the clinical worsening of chondromalacia patella.
Clinical onset and operational service [13047]
13055 the identified illness or injury that caused the acquired abnormal tracking of the patella of side and site of the body is causally related to operational service.
Clinical onset and eligible service [13048]
13056 the identified illness or injury that caused the acquired abnormal tracking of the patella of side and site of the body is causally related to eligible service.
Clinical worsening and operational service [31133]
13055 the identified illness or injury that caused the acquired abnormal tracking of the patella of side and site of the body is causally related to operational service.
31136 the clinical onset of the chondromalacia patella occurred prior to that part of operational service to which the identified illness or injury that caused the acquired abnormal tracking of the patella of side and site of the body is causally related.
Clinical worsening and eligible service [31134]
13056 the identified illness or injury that caused the acquired abnormal tracking of the patella of side and site of the body is causally related to eligible service.
31137 the clinical onset of the chondromalacia patella occurred prior to that part of eligible service to which the identified illness or injury that caused the acquired abnormal tracking of the patella of side and site of the body is causally related.
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