Destructive bone lesion involving the affected vertebra

Spondylolisthesis and spondylolysis - Destructive bone lesion involving the affected vertebra Factor

RMA definition

A destructive bone lesion means 'lytic or erosive lesion of the bone resulting from pathology such as benign and malignant tumours, tuberculosis or osteomyelitis'.

General information

Lesions involving the vertebrae are very rare, but examples include tuberculous spondylitis, giant cell tumours of the vertebral arch, metastatic tumours, neurogenic arthropathies and Paget's disease.

Medical advice will be needed to determine whether the veteran suffered from such a lesion, and to identify the cause of the lesion.

Last reviewed for CCPS 16 September 2011.

Preliminary questions [24407]

29398 there is some evidence that a destructive bone lesion involving the affected vertebra may be a factor in the development or worsening of the condition under consideration.

24352 the veteran has had a destructive bone lesion involving a vertebra at some time.

24353 the destructive bone lesion involved the vertebra affected by the condition under consideration.

24354  the veteran had the destructive bone lesion involving the vertebra affected by the condition under consideration as a result of an illness or injury which is identifiable. [Default true]

24356  the veteran has established the causal connection between the destructive bone lesion and VEA service for spondylolisthesis or spondylolysis.

24366 as a consequence of the identified illness or injury, the veteran had the destructive bone lesion involving the vertebra affected by the condition under consideration at the time of the clinical onset of condition under consideration.

24357   the veteran has established the causal connection between the destructive bone lesion and VEA service for the clinical onset of spondylolisthesis or spondylolysis.

24361  the veteran has established the causal connection between the destructive bone lesion and operational service for the clinical onset of spondylolisthesis or spondylolysis.


24362  the veteran has established the causal connection between the destructive bone lesion and eligible service for the clinical onset of spondylolisthesis or spondylolysis.


7334     the clinical onset of the condition under consideration occurred after the end of the veteran's last period of VEA service.

7335     the condition under consideration permanently worsened.

24365 as a consequence of the identified illness or injury, the veteran had the destructive bone lesion involving the vertebra affected by the condition under consideration at the time of the clinical worsening of condition under consideration.

24358   the veteran has established the causal connection between the destructive bone lesion and VEA service for the clinical worsening of spondylolisthesis or spondylolysis.

24363  the veteran has established the causal connection between the destructive bone lesion and operational service for the clinical worsening of spondylolisthesis or spondylolysis.


24364  the veteran has established the causal connection between the destructive bone lesion and eligible service for the clinical worsening of spondylolisthesis or spondylolysis.

Clinical onset and operational service [24361]

24367  the identified illness or injury which caused the destructive bone lesion involving the vertebra affected by the condition under consideration is causally related to operational service.

Clinical onset and eligible service [24362]

24368  the identified illness or injury which caused the destructive bone lesion involving the vertebra affected by the condition under consideration is causally related to eligible service.

Clinical worsening and operational service [24363]

24367  the identified illness or injury which caused the destructive bone lesion involving the vertebra affected by the condition under consideration is causally related to operational service.

24369 the clinical onset of the condition under consideration occurred prior to that part of operational service to which the identified illness or injury which caused the destructive bone lesion involving the vertebra affected by the condition under consideration is causally related.

Clinical worsening and eligible service [24364]

24368  the identified illness or injury which caused the destructive bone lesion involving the vertebra affected by the condition under consideration is causally related to eligible service.

24370 the clinical onset of the condition under consideration occurred prior to that part of eligible service to which the identified illness or injury which caused the destructive bone lesion involving the vertebra affected by the condition under consideration is causally related.

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