Time Off Work To Attend The Examination

In many cases, employees may be back at work full time when the decision is made to review their claim.  This raises the issue about absences from employment to attend the examination which Comcare has arranged.

Comcare has clear policy in this regard (Operational Advice No 97/003 refers).  Where employees are back at work and are requested by Comcare to undergo a medical examination under section 57 of the Act, they are considered to be 'on duty' for associated absences.

This means there is no loss of earnings involved, with any time away from work being paid as normal salary by the employer or, where the employee is in private sector employment, as an administrative cost to the liable Commonwealth employer.

Source URL: https://clik.dva.gov.au/military-compensation-reference-library/historical-information/comcare-operations-manual/volume-seven-review-processes/part-one-evidence-and-investigation/powers-investigation/time-work-attend-examination