Other forms of information which may be provided

In addition to the general facts of the case, where a report is required for a specific reason, further information may need to be made available.



Capacity to return to work

Work employee was doing at the date of injury (including actual duties).

Work duties available now for which the employee may be suited.

Whether the employee's employment caused or contributed to the condition

Employment statements provided by both employee and employer.

Witness statements or other evidence.

Clarification of previous opinion

Statement of facts as currently known and request for doctor's advice.

Brief explanation of why clarification is required.

Source URL: https://clik.dva.gov.au/military-compensation-reference-library/historical-information/comcare-operations-manual/volume-seven-review-processes/part-one-evidence-and-investigation/medical-reports/asking-appropriate-questions/other-forms-information-which-may-be-provided