Other forms of information which may be provided
In addition to the general facts of the case, where a report is required for a specific reason, further information may need to be made available.
Capacity to return to work |
Work employee was doing at the date of injury (including actual duties). |
Work duties available now for which the employee may be suited. |
Whether the employee's employment caused or contributed to the condition |
Employment statements provided by both employee and employer. |
Witness statements or other evidence. |
Clarification of previous opinion |
Statement of facts as currently known and request for doctor's advice. |
Brief explanation of why clarification is required. |
Source URL: https://clik.dva.gov.au/military-compensation-reference-library/historical-information/comcare-operations-manual/volume-seven-review-processes/part-one-evidence-and-investigation/medical-reports/asking-appropriate-questions/other-forms-information-which-may-be-provided