Consideration Of Specific Modifications Provisions Under Section 39 (2)

In all cases, the Act requires that, when determining the amount of compensation payable under section 39, certain matters under section 39 (2) must be considered. The paragraphs applying to modifications not dealt with elsewhere in this part include:

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Modifications and section 39 (2) (d)

In all cases, the Act requires that, when determining the amount of compensation payable under section 39, certain matters under section 39 (2) must be considered. The paragraphs applying to modifications not dealt with elsewhere in this part include:

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Modifications and section 39 (2) (f)

In all cases, the Act requires that, when determining the amount of compensation payable under section 39, certain matters under section 39 (2) must be considered. The paragraphs applying to modifications not dealt with elsewhere in this part include:

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