Fact 366 - Disease Specified Under s7(1)(b)
Fact 366 - Disease Specified Under s7(1)(b)
366 |
The medical condition is of a kind specified by the Minister by notice in writing, under paragraph 7(1)(b), as a disease related to employment of a kind specified in the notice |
Disease Specified Under s7(1)(b)
Relevance of this question
Specified Diseases under s 7(1)(b)
Source URL: https://clik.dva.gov.au/military-compensation-reference-library/historical-information/defcare-commentary-january-2003/initial-liability/fact-366-disease-specified-under-s71b
Relevance of this question
Fact 366 - Disease Specified Under s7(1)(b)
366 |
The medical condition is of a kind specified by the Minister by notice in writing, under paragraph 7(1)(b), as a disease related to employment of a kind specified in the notice |
Disease Specified Under s7(1)(b)
Relevance of this question
Specified Diseases under s 7(1)(b)
Source URL: https://clik.dva.gov.au/military-compensation-reference-library/historical-information/defcare-commentary-january-2003/initial-liability/fact-366-disease-specified-under-s71b/relevance-question
Specified Diseases under s 7(1)(b)
Fact 366 - Disease Specified Under s7(1)(b)
366 |
The medical condition is of a kind specified by the Minister by notice in writing, under paragraph 7(1)(b), as a disease related to employment of a kind specified in the notice |
Disease Specified Under s7(1)(b)
Relevance of this question
Specified Diseases under s 7(1)(b)
Source URL: https://clik.dva.gov.au/military-compensation-reference-library/historical-information/defcare-commentary-january-2003/initial-liability/fact-366-disease-specified-under-s71b/specified-diseases-under-s-71b
Fact 366 - Disease Specified Under s7(1)(b)
366 |
The medical condition is of a kind specified by the Minister by notice in writing, under paragraph 7(1)(b), as a disease related to employment of a kind specified in the notice |
Disease Specified Under s7(1)(b)
Relevance of this question
Specified Diseases under s 7(1)(b)
Source URL: https://clik.dva.gov.au/military-compensation-reference-library/historical-information/defcare-commentary-january-2003/initial-liability/fact-366-disease-specified-under-s71b/references