Fact 471 - Engaged in Specified Employment Before Symptoms Became Apparent
Fact 471 - Engaged in Specified Employment Before Symptoms Became Apparent
471 |
The client was engaged by the ADF in employment of that kind at any time before symptoms of the client's medical condition first became apparent |
Engaged in Specified Employment Before Symptoms Became Apparent
Relevance of this question
Engaged by the ADF
Employment of that kind
Source URL: https://clik.dva.gov.au/military-compensation-reference-library/historical-information/defcare-commentary-january-2003/initial-liability/fact-471-engaged-specified-employment-symptoms-became-apparent
Relevance of this question
Fact 471 - Engaged in Specified Employment Before Symptoms Became Apparent
471 |
The client was engaged by the ADF in employment of that kind at any time before symptoms of the client's medical condition first became apparent |
Engaged in Specified Employment Before Symptoms Became Apparent
Relevance of this question
Engaged by the ADF
Employment of that kind
Source URL: https://clik.dva.gov.au/military-compensation-reference-library/historical-information/defcare-commentary-january-2003/initial-liability/fact-471-engaged-specified-employment-symptoms-became-apparent/relevance-question
Engaged by the ADF
Fact 471 - Engaged in Specified Employment Before Symptoms Became Apparent
471 |
The client was engaged by the ADF in employment of that kind at any time before symptoms of the client's medical condition first became apparent |
Engaged in Specified Employment Before Symptoms Became Apparent
Relevance of this question
Engaged by the ADF
Employment of that kind
Source URL: https://clik.dva.gov.au/military-compensation-reference-library/historical-information/defcare-commentary-january-2003/initial-liability/fact-471-engaged-specified-employment-symptoms-became-apparent/engaged-adf
Employment of that kind
Fact 471 - Engaged in Specified Employment Before Symptoms Became Apparent
471 |
The client was engaged by the ADF in employment of that kind at any time before symptoms of the client's medical condition first became apparent |
Engaged in Specified Employment Before Symptoms Became Apparent
Relevance of this question
Engaged by the ADF
Employment of that kind
Source URL: https://clik.dva.gov.au/military-compensation-reference-library/historical-information/defcare-commentary-january-2003/initial-liability/fact-471-engaged-specified-employment-symptoms-became-apparent/employment-kind