Fact 469 - Cause of Accident
469 |
the client's accident arose out of, AND in the course of the client's employment by the ADF |
Cause of Accident
Relevance of this question
"arising out of and in the course of"
Case example
Source URL: https://clik.dva.gov.au/military-compensation-reference-library/historical-information/defcare-commentary-january-2003/initial-liability/fact-469-cause-accident
Relevance of this question
469 |
the client's accident arose out of, AND in the course of the client's employment by the ADF |
Cause of Accident
Relevance of this question
"arising out of and in the course of"
Case example
Source URL: https://clik.dva.gov.au/military-compensation-reference-library/historical-information/defcare-commentary-january-2003/initial-liability/fact-469-cause-accident/relevance-question
469 |
the client's accident arose out of, AND in the course of the client's employment by the ADF |
Cause of Accident
Relevance of this question
"arising out of and in the course of"
Case example
Source URL: https://clik.dva.gov.au/military-compensation-reference-library/historical-information/defcare-commentary-january-2003/initial-liability/fact-469-cause-accident/references