Fact 668 - Assessor's recommendation - s 14

Fact 668 - Assessor's recommendation – s 14


the assessor recommends acceptance of initial liability under section 14 for the injury or disease

Assessor's recommendation

Relevance of this question

Result of acceptance

Result of rejection

Result of uncertain response

Source URL: https://clik.dva.gov.au/military-compensation-reference-library/historical-information/defcare-commentary-january-2003/initial-liability/fact-668-assessors-recommendation-s-14

Relevance of this question

Fact 668 - Assessor's recommendation – s 14


the assessor recommends acceptance of initial liability under section 14 for the injury or disease

Assessor's recommendation

Relevance of this question

Result of acceptance

Result of rejection

Result of uncertain response

Source URL: https://clik.dva.gov.au/military-compensation-reference-library/historical-information/defcare-commentary-january-2003/initial-liability/fact-668-assessors-recommendation-s-14/relevance-question

Result of acceptance

Fact 668 - Assessor's recommendation – s 14


the assessor recommends acceptance of initial liability under section 14 for the injury or disease

Assessor's recommendation

Relevance of this question

Result of acceptance

Result of rejection

Result of uncertain response

Source URL: https://clik.dva.gov.au/military-compensation-reference-library/historical-information/defcare-commentary-january-2003/initial-liability/fact-668-assessors-recommendation-s-14/result-acceptance

Result of rejection

Fact 668 - Assessor's recommendation – s 14


the assessor recommends acceptance of initial liability under section 14 for the injury or disease

Assessor's recommendation

Relevance of this question

Result of acceptance

Result of rejection

Result of uncertain response

Source URL: https://clik.dva.gov.au/military-compensation-reference-library/historical-information/defcare-commentary-january-2003/initial-liability/fact-668-assessors-recommendation-s-14/result-rejection

Result of uncertain response

Fact 668 - Assessor's recommendation – s 14


the assessor recommends acceptance of initial liability under section 14 for the injury or disease

Assessor's recommendation

Relevance of this question

Result of acceptance

Result of rejection

Result of uncertain response

Source URL: https://clik.dva.gov.au/military-compensation-reference-library/historical-information/defcare-commentary-january-2003/initial-liability/fact-668-assessors-recommendation-s-14/result-uncertain-response