4.4.3 Obligations - Domestic Situation
- separation from partner
- separation from spouse for age or ill health reasons
- separation from spouse due to breakdown of relationship
- cease to be illness separated
- divorce
- death of partner
- marriage/remarriage
- commencement/cessation of a defacto relationship
- loss of care and custody of a child
- student child ceases to be dependent
- student child no longer in full time education
- student child starts to receive payments under an education scheme
- child receives own income
- child travels overseas
- commencement/cessation of maintenance payments for a child.
Source URL: https://clik.dva.gov.au/compensation-and-support-reference-library/overpayment-management-manual/ch-4-obligations/44-examples-changed-circumstances-which-should-be-notified/443-obligations-domestic-situation