7.20 VEA Delegations

7.20.1Set out below are the delegation levels under subsection 206(1) VEA, current as at 17 October 2011.  A complete copy of DVA's delegations of powers and functions of the Repatriation Commission may be obtained from the delegations intranet site.    

7.20.2It should be noted that while the effect of delegation to level is that all departmental employees at the designated level are capable of exercising the delegated power, not all employees at the designated APS level are authorised to use the power. Authority to use the power derives not from the delegation, but from the allocated duties of each individual APS employee.

7.20.3The Commission has unlimited power under legislation to waive, write-off and defer recovery of debts, and has delegated its power in the area of disability compensation and income support debt waiver, write-off and deferral as follows:

Level of Delegation





Senior Executive Band 2

Senior Executive Band 1


Executive Level 2


Executive Level 1


APS Level 6

APS Level 5

APS Level 4


APS Level 3

Source URL: https://clik.dva.gov.au/compensation-and-support-reference-library/overpayment-management-manual/ch-7-recovery-and-other-methods-finalising-debts/720-vea-delegations