2.8.2 Effective dates for reductions and terminations — VCES has been excluded from the usual date of effect provisions. It is a fortnightly payment that is not calculated on daily rates. Payments are payable fortnightly in advance. When a student ceases full time education, payments are cancelled with effect from the next payday after the date the student ceased full time education. — Overpayments are fully recoverable. If a student does not advise of any changes and an overpayment is created, this should be recovered from the next payday after cessation of study. — If a student does advise of changes within the notification period (14 days or 28 days for remote/overseas students) and due to administration error or delay the cancellation is not processed, the overpayment is still recoverable. However, there is capacity for a waiver to be applied to the whole of the debt or the component of the debt arising from administrative delay subject to the normal waiver provisions.
Source URL: https://clik.dva.gov.au/compensation-and-support-reference-library/overpayment-management-manual/ch-2-what-overpayment/28-veterans-children-education-scheme-vces-overpayments/282-effective-dates-reductions-and-terminations