Vocational and Lifestyle Rehabilitation

Legislative Authority

Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1988
Part III Division 1, Division 2, Division 3


Current Eligibility Criteria

Members and former members of the ADF who have suffered an injury resulting in incapacity for work or an impairment, for which the Commonwealth has been found liable to pay compensation under the SRCA and who have been assessed as having the capacity to take part in a rehabilitation program.


Date of Introduction

1 December 1988


Original Purpose/Intent

The aim of rehabilitation is to restore an injured individual to their fullest possible physical, psychological, social and vocational capabilities.

Depending on the individual's circumstances, a rehabilitation program may involve re-training the injured employee for appropriate work and modification to the workplace to facilitate his or her return to the work force.

In all cases, regardless of whether a return to employment is possible or not, other forms of rehabilitation may be provided to help the employee cope with the effects of the compensable injury or disease.  These other forms of rehabilitation may include the provision of aids and appliances, modifications to an injured member's home and/or vehicle as well as other activities designed to restore an injured person's lifestyle as close as possible to their pre-injury level.


Significant Changes in Criteria or Purpose Since Introduction






Source URL: https://clik.dva.gov.au/compensation-and-support-reference-library/intent-paper-2013/rehabilitation-and-compensation-safety-rehabilitation-and-compensation-act-1988-srca/vocational-and-lifestyle-rehabilitation