3.3 Allowances for Secondary and Tertiary students living at home (see 3.3 of the Instruments)

An education allowance shall be payable fortnightly in advance, in respect of a student living at home and undertaking education as approved by the Commission.

Payment under paragraph 3.3.1 for secondary students under the age of sixteen will be made to the person who is entitled to be paid family tax benefit under A New Tax System (Family Assistance) (Administration) Act 1999 (entitled person) and if there is no entitled person - to a person approved by the Commission to receive the payment on the student's behalf.

Payment under paragraph 3.3.1 for secondary students aged sixteen years and over will be made to the person who is entitled to be paid family tax benefit under A New Tax System (Family Assistance) (Administration) Act 1999 (entitled person), who will then have the option of directing payment to the student or spouse and if there is no entitled person - to a person approved by the Commission to receive the payment on the student's behalf.

Payment will be made directly to tertiary students.

Source URL: https://clik.dva.gov.au/compensation-and-support-reference-library/education-schemes-policy-manual-vces-and-mrcaets/ch-3-education-allowances/33-allowances-secondary-and-tertiary-students-living-home-see-33-instruments