9.3 Overpayments

s415(1)(b) of MRCA is the authority for recovery of overpayments.  This subsection is for overpayments where an amount of compensation has been paid to a person that should not have been paid.  s415(1)(a) is the authority for overpayments where the person paid made a false or misleading statement.

s205(1)(b) of VEA is the authority for recovery of overpayments.  This subsection is for overpayments where an amount of compensation has been paid under an education scheme that was not lawful. s205(1)(b) is the authority for overpayments where the person paid made a false or misleading statement.

Source URL: https://clik.dva.gov.au/compensation-and-support-reference-library/education-schemes-policy-manual-vces-and-mrcaets/ch-9-transitional-arrangements/93-overpayments