DATE OF ISSUE: 18 December 1992
The purpose of this instruction is to advise Branches on the introduction of the revised Form D2663 and the associated processing procedures.
2. The new Form D2663 (Claim for Pension by a Widow, Widower or other Dependant of a Deceased Veteran) is to be introduced on 1 January 1993.
3. Attached for information is a copy of the new Form D2663.
4. A claim is valid if it has been signed by the claimant, or an authorised third party on behalf of the claimant. If a death certificate is absent, the claim should still be processed normally.
5. An attribute is in place on the CMS to record whether a death certificate has been provided with the claim. Although the attribute does not become mandatory until the EATERS stage, it should be recorded as early as possible after receipt of the claim.
6. The revised Form D2663 contains a section where a widow or widower of a deceased veteran who was a POW can claim for pension. The automatic grant of pension to this class of claimant becomes effective 1 January 1993.
7. Arrears of pension for a widow of a POW can be paid from three months prior to the date of receipt, or 1 January 1993, or the day after the veterans death, whichever is the later.
8. As a cause of death is not an issue in this type of claim, there is no requirement for a death certificate. A POW attribute is on the CMS to record such claims.
9. Requests for issues of the current Form D2663 should not be actioned. Stocks of the new form will be in Branch Offices by the end of December 1992.
10. National and state offices of all major ex-service organisations, including all organisations that deal with war widows, will be contacted and asked to destroy any stocks they may have of the old form D2663 and to ensure that any new claims are lodged on the revised form. They will be told to contact the Branch Offices for stocks of the new form.
Contact Officer: Jeff Kelly (06) 2896569.
(Note: This attachment has been rekeyed to enable it to be included on the General)
Commonwealth Department of
Veterans' Affairs
A claim may be made by:
.a widow - a woman who was legally married to, or was a partner of, a deceased veteran immediately before his death;
Β·a widower - a man who was legally married to, or was a partner of, a deceased veteran immediately before her death;
. another dependant - in certain circumstances, a child who was dependent on a deceased veteran immediately before his or her death;
. another person on behalf of the widow, widower or other dependant.
Claims for children aged less than 18 years must be made by the child's parent or
guardian, or by another person authorised by the parent or guardian.
D2663 (p1) Nov 92
The information sought on this form is required to assess your eligibility for a benefit under the Veterans' Entitlements Act 1986. The Act requires that a claim be made on this form, approved by the Repatriation Commission.
The Act provides that the Secretary may obtain information requested for the purposes of the legislation.
Information contained in the form may be provided to another Agency or body. These Agencies or bodies
.the Department of Social Security and the Australian Taxation Office for the purposes of matching information;
.the Health Insurance Commission for treatment account payments;
Β·the various State or Local Government authorities to verify your eligibility for rebates or concessions relating to rates, electricity, transport, motor vehicles and ambulance;
Β·doctors and/or hospitals to provide treatment.
Once you apply for a pension as a widow, widower, or other dependant of a deceased veteran, the Department may make any enquires necessary to establish eligibility.
There are penalties for making false statements.
If any of the details you give in this form change, you must tell the Department within 14 days.
If you need more information please ring the Department of Veterans' Affairs:
.Metropolitan residents
Sydney 213 7777Adelaide213 2611
Melbourne 284 6000Perth125 8222
Brisbane 223 8333Hobart 21 6666
.Country residents - free call
Nth NSW (Brisbane Office)008 777 634
NSW all other country locations008 257 251
Northern Territory (incl. Darwin)008 888 121
Tasmania008 00 l211
Nth Qld (incl. Townsville)008 019 304
Australian Capital Territory008 046 088
all other country locations008 113 304
The addresses of the Department of Veterans' Affairs offices are:
Branch Offices:Regional Offices:
Sydney AdelaideCanberraDarwin
Centennial Plaza Tower B Blackburn House β Ground Floor l0 Moore Street β Shop 8 Cascom Centre
280 Elizabeth Street β 199 Grenfell Street β Cnr Moore & Rudd Streets β 15 Scaturchio Street
GPO Box 3994 β GPO Box 1652 β GPO Box 802 β PO Box 42496
Sydney NSW 2001 β Adelaide SA 5001 β Canberra City ACT 2601 β Casuarina NT 0810
Phone (06) 267141 1 β Phone (089) 27 0044
300 Latrobe Street β Hyatt Centre β The GIO Building β Commonwealth
Government Centre
GPO Box 87A β 20 Terrace Road β 400 Hunter Street β Cnr Walker and Stanley
Melbourne Vic 3001 β GPO Box F352 β GPO Box 617 β PO Box 2050
Penh WA 6001 β Newcastle NSW 2300 β Townsville Qld 4810
Phone (049) 26 2733 β Phone (077) 223333
Brisbane β Hobart β Wollongong β Ballarat
133 Mary Street β 21 Kirksway Place β Commonwealth Offices β 12 Dawson Street South
GPO Box 651 β Cnr Gladstone Street β Burelli Street β Ballarat Vic 3350
Brisbane Qld 4001 β GPO Box 481E β PO Box 755 β Phone (053) 31 3844
Hobart Tas 7001 β Wollongong East NSW 2520
Phone (042) 26 0190
D2663(p2) Nov 92
Claim for pension by a widow or widower of a deceased veteran
You may wish to seek help with this form from a family member, a friend, or an ex-service organisation welfare officer. You may choose to have such a person act on your behalf in matters relating to this claim. If so, that person must complete the Authority at the end of this form.
Please write in BLOCK LETTERS
Deceased veteran's personal details
1. Veterans' Affairs _________________
File No. (if known)
3.Given names___________________________________
4.Date of birth____/____/____
5.Date of death____/____/____
6.Place of death___________________________________
7.Cause of death___________________________________
Important Please attach a copy of the Death Certificate.
8.Was a Post Mortem held? No Yes Not sure
9.Service number(s)Service No.Branch (e.g. Army)
and Branch of service______________________________
Service No.Branch (e.g. Army)
Claimant's details
11.Given names__________________________
__________________ β Postcode _________
13.Date of birth____/____/____
14.Telephone numbers: Home(____)__________
15.Your relationship to the
veteran at the time of ______________________
Please attach a copy of your marriage certificate or evidence of your
Importantrelationship with the deceased veteran, unless you have previously supplied this material to the Department.
16.Have you married since No Yes Date of marriage
the veteran died.____/____/____
Continued overleaf
D2663 (p3) Nov 92
Dependant children's details (under 5 years of age)
17.Give details of dependant children under 25 years of age
Is full-time
Full name(s)(s)Date of β Present address β education
birth β undertaken?
________________ __/__/__ ______________________ No__Yes__
________________ __/__/__ ______________________ No__Yes__
________________ __/__/__ ______________________ No__Yes__
________________ __/__/__ ______________________ No__Yes__
________________ __/__/__ ______________________ No__Yes__
If insufficient space, please attach a separate sheet giving the required details.
Important Please attach a Certified extract of birth certificate showing names of both parents or adoption order in respect of each child named in this claim. If the deceased veteran was not the father or mother, attach evidence that the children were wholly or substantially dependent on the veteran immediately before the veteran's death.
Prisoners of War
Important This applies to Widows or Widowers of deceased Veterans
who were prisoners of war.
18.Was the deceased veteran aNo Go to Question 19
prisoner of war?
Yes Give details of detention and then go straight to Question 25
Place of detention β Period of detention
From / /To / /
Veteran's medical details
19.Name of the veteran's ____________________________________
local doctor
20.Telephone number(___)__________
D2663 (p4) Nov 92
Veteran's medical details (continued)
22.Give the names of doctors and/or hospitals who provided treatment for any disease or injury that was related to the veteran's death.
Treatment type
Condition treated(e.g. GP/Specialist/Date of β Name
(diagnosis if known)in-patient)treatment β of doctor/hospital etc
If insufficient space, please attach a separate sheet giving the required details.
Veteran's service history
23.Provide details of the veteran's service. (If the deceased veteran has claimed a disability or service pension from this Department you do not need to complete this question. Go straight to questionβl 24 below.)
Period served
Place and country of service(show approx dates)Nature of duties
________________________________/__/__ to __/__/________________________
________________________________/__/__ to __/__/________________________
________________________________/__/__ to __/__/________________________
________________________________/__/__ to __/__/________________________
________________________________/__/__ to __/__/________________________
If insufficient space, please attach a separate sheet giving the required details.
24.How did the veteran's service cause, or contribute to his or her death?
If insufficient space, please attach a separate sheet giving the required details.
Continued overleaf--
D2663 (p5) Nov
25.Have damages/compensation been
claimed in respect of the veteran's death?No Yes Give details below
Name and address of compensation source β Date of β Reference no.
If insufficient space, please attach a separate sheet giving the required details.
Other benefits or pensions
26.Have any of the dependants named in this
claim received or claimed any payments
from the Department of Social Security or
any other source? (Family Allowances are
not required but other Social Security
benefits, damages or compensation
claims, education,or youth allowances,
etc. must be included .)No β Yes β Give details below
Name of person β Name of Source β Type of β Date of β Reference no.
paid β payment β claim
If insufficient space, please attach a separate sheet giving the required details.
Pension payment details
27.Do you currently receive a pension Yes Go straight to Declaration
from the Department of No Complete details below
Veterans' Affairs?
If a pension is granted, it will be paid fortnightly into an account at a bank, credit union or building society.
28.Name of bank, credit__________________________
union or building society
31Account in the name of ____________________________
32.Account number______________________
D2663 (p6) Nov 92
.I declare that the details I have given in this claim are complete and correct.
.I am aware that there are penalties for making false statements.
.I authorise the Repatriation Commission and the Department of Veterans' Affairs to obtain medical or other information needed to process, determine or review this claim.
.I consent to the release of medical, clinical or other information to the department by any medical practitioner, hospital, clinic, insurance company, the Department of Social Security or other organisation, in relation to this claim or its review.
.I consent to the release of medical, clinical or other information to the person or organisation named in the Authority below, who is acting on my behalf in relation to this claim or its review.
Date _____/____/____
* If the widow, widower or other dependant is unable to sign this form:
.sign the form on behalf of the widow, widower or other dependant; and
.complete the authority below for you to act on behalf of the widow, widower, or other dependant.
Authority to act on behalf of a widow, widower or other dependant
The widow, widower or other dependant may elect to have a friend or relative, or an ex-service organisation (or its representative) act on her or his behalf in relation to this claim. If so, this authority must be completed by that person.
I declare that I am authorise by ____________________________________
to act on her/his behalf in matters relating to this claim.
Your full name β __________________________________________
Address β __________________________________________
__________________________ Postcode ________
Telephone numbers β Home (___)___________
Work (___)___________
Your relationship to the
widow, widower, or β ___________________________________________
other dependant
Date ____/____/____
D2663 (p7) Nov 92
Source URL: https://clik.dva.gov.au/compensation-and-support-reference-library/departmental-instructions/1992/b571992-revised-form-d2663-claim-pension-widow-widoweror-other-dependant-deceased-veteran