DATE OF ISSUE:  23 July 1999



The purpose of this Departmental Instruction is to advise examiners of the need to thoroughly investigate a veteran's service in respect of claims for Gold Card based on the extension of eligibility to veterans of World War II who are aged 70 years or over and who have qualifying service.


When applications for Gold Card were at their height, it was necessary to adopt a risk management approach in order to process the large number of applications.  In many cases this entailed depending on the detail on the claim form rather than retrieving the file and thoroughly researching the applicant's service history.

Legislative Requirement

Section 7A(1)(a)(i) requires in respect of qualifying service for World War II, that a veteran have served during a period of hostilities, in operations against the enemy, at a time when the person incurred danger from hostile forces of the enemy.  In certain circumstances it is Repatriation Commission policy to accept that a person has met the requirement of incurred danger.

Investigation of Claims

There is no longer a need to quickly process a large number of claims using only the information provided on the application.  Examiners should return to the normal procedures with regard to the investigation of claims and ensure that the requirements of the legislation are met.

This involves the examination of service records to determine if the applicant served in the defence forces during the period of hostilities and where they served during that period.  If their service is not covered by Repatriation Commission policy then the danger test will need to be applied and a more detailed examination of their service will be necessary.

All claims are to be processed on file.  This will enable examiners to see immediately if a previous claim for qualifying service has been made and if so, the outcome of the claim and the reasons for the decision.

All single incident cases such as service in Townsville during the bombing raids or in Sydney during the midget submarine attacks or shelling, and claims by civilians, should continue to be referred to John Douglas in the Disability Compensation Branch before a decision is made.


Any inquiries regarding this DI should be directed to the Policy, Eligibility and Research Section of Disability Compensation Branch.

  • John Douglas              02 6289 6485
  • Ann Donnelly              02 6289 6439


Branch Head

Disability Compensation

      July 1999

Source URL: https://clik.dva.gov.au/compensation-and-support-reference-library/departmental-instructions/1999/c251999-gold-card-determining-qualifying-service