C14/2012 2013 Commonwealth Seniors Health Card (CSHC)
DATE OF ISSUE: 13 August 2012
2013 Commonwealth Seniors Health Card (CSHC)
Amends DI No. |
N/A |
Replaces DI No. |
N/A |
Purpose |
To provide information about the annual bulk issue of the 2013 C — ommonwealth Seniors Health Card (C — SHC). |
Background |
The CSHC was introduced on 1 July 1994. The card is re-issued annually and entitles the holder to pharmaceuticals listed on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme at a concessional rate, the Medicare Safety Net threshold and concessional fare — s on the Great Southern Rail service. In addition, CSHC holders may be entitled to further state/territory concessions on presentation of their card to the relevant department or authority. CSHC holders also receive a quarterly payment o — f Seniors Supplement from DVA. |
Eligibility |
The CSHC is intended to assist eligible veterans and their partners (including widow/widowers, and war widow/widowers) of pension age who fail to qualify for income support due to assets or income in excess of the current limit. Eligibility is determined manually by state office staff. |
Eligibility for residents of Norfolk Island |
Residents of Norfolk Island are regarded as Australian residents for the purposes of determining eligibility for a CSHC. This is due to changes to VEA section 5Q which includes Norfolk Island in the definition of Australia, allowing access to various income support payments and benefits including the CSHC. Residents of Norfolk Island may therefore be issued with a CSHC if all of the eligibility criteria are met. |
CSHC Carrier |
The 201 — 3 CSHC will be issued on a CSHC Carrier sheet which sets out information about the card and the cardholder's obligations. A copy of the CSHC Carrier is included at Attachment A. |
CSHC Adjusted Taxable Income |
The CSHC income test is based on the annual adjusted taxable income. Annual adjusted taxable income is the total of:
CSHC Income Limit |
The CSHC income limit is as follows:
The above amounts are increased for each d — epend — e — nt child by $639.60. |
Valid |
The 2013 CSHC will be valid from 1 October 20 — 12 until 30 September 2013. |
Numbers |
T — he number of cards and carriers to be produced for the bulk issue is estimated to be around 7,000. Below is a breakdown for each state base — d on last year's exercise: |
State |
Numbers |
NSW (including ACT & Norfolk Island) |
2,207 |
1,536 |
1,312 |
WA |
1,042 |
SA (including NT) |
653 |
139 |
Total |
6,889 |
Dates |
The following dates apply to the 2013 annual bulk issue: |
Task |
Date |
Production data extract |
25 August 2012 |
Implement changes to daily template |
6:00 pm |
Produce reports for states |
27 August 2012 |
Mailing house commence printing, enveloping and lodgement of cards |
27 August 2012 |
Final lodgement date with Australia Post |
7 September 2012 |
Reports |
Summary and Non-Issued Reports for the Income Support Contacts will print on Monday, 27 August 2012 at the nominated printers as listed below. StatePrinter ID NSW — N613P QLD — Q401P SA — S115P TAS — T003P VIC — V009P WA — W10BLX In addition, status reports regarding the progress of the printing, enveloping and lodgement of cards will be provided to the Income Support Contacts, the Client Contact Performance Team and DVA VANQISH as appropriate. |
Daily Template |
Changes to the daily template will be implemented on Friday, 24 August 2012 at 6pm Eastern Standard Time. From this date a 2013 CSHC will be issued for grants and re-issues. This card can be used immediately. |
Daily Stock |
New s — tock supplies for grants and reissues will be sent to the contact officers. As dates are not pre-printed on the stock and there is no change to the text on the back of the carrier, each location should continue to use existing stock supply. As the adhesiveness of the card on the carrier may deteriorate over time, the old stock should be used up before using the new stock. To assist in the appropriate ordering of stock for future years, Income Support Contacts will report to the project co-ordinator the amount of stock on hand at the time of the new daily template update. The aim is to minimise waste, the inconvenience of storage and the cost of disposal in future years. |
Income Support Contacts |
The CSHC Income Support contacts are as follows: NSW/ACT — John Eden QLD — Sharon Golden VIC — Daniel Luba SA/NT — Bee Measham WA — Michelle Pauly TAS — Bryon Kelly Please advise the project co-ordinator of any changes to the contact officers as listed above. |
Project Coordinator |
The project co-ordinator for the bulk issue of the 2013 CSHC is: Elis Lam Cards & Advices Income Support and Grants Phone: (02) 9213 7244 E-mail: Elis.Lam@dva.gov.au |
Peta Stevenson
Assistant Secretary
Income Support and Grants Branch
13 August 2012
Your Commonwealth Seniors Health Card
Your Commonwealth Seniors Health Card (CSHC) is valid until 30 September 20 — 13. To remove the card, just peel it from the paper.
The CSHC is subject to an income test. You have been given your CSHC on the basis that, for Veterans' Affairs purposes, your annual adjusted taxable income is less than the following limits:
- $50,000.00 if you are single;
- $80,000.00 (combined), if you are a member of a couple; or
- $100,000.00 (combined), if you are accepted as being separated due to ill health or respite care.
The above amounts are increased for each depend — e — nt child by $639.60.
You must notify the Department if your annual adjusted taxable income is greater than the relevant limit. See the Your Obligations section on the back of this sheet for more information.
What benefits can I get with my CSHC?
Your CSHC entitles you to a quarterly payment from DVA of seniors supplement.
Your CSHC may also provide the following concessions:
- pharmaceuticals at concessional rate through the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS);
- PBS Safety Net threshold at concession card holder rate;
- Medicare Safety Net threshold at concession card holder rate;
- bulk billed GP appointments may be available to you as a concession card holder (if your doctor bulk bills);
- Great Southern Rail offers concession fares to CSHC holders on The Indian Pacific, The Ghan and The Overland. Please contact Great Southern Rail on 132 147 or visit their website at www.greatsouthernrail.com.au for further details;
- additional concessions may be available from state and local government authorities (Please note these concessions are not determined by DVA). For more information contact the relevant department or authority.
By presenting this card to claim a concession you consent to your concession eligibility being confirmed by the concession provider with DVA. You must present both your CSHC and your Medicare card on each occasion to obtain pharmaceutical, PBS or Medicare concessions.
You must read and understand your obligations which are on the reverse side of this letter. If you or your partner have any questions, please contact the Department of Veterans' Affairs on 133 254 (1800 555 254 for non-metropolitan callers).
[DC's name]
as Delegate for the Secretary
Your Obligations
You have an obligation under section 118ZI of the Veterans' Entitlements Act 1986 to notify this Department within 14 days if any of the following occur.
Your Income
- your annual adjusted taxable income, or the combined annual adjusted taxable income of you and your partner, exceeds the applicable limit listed on the front of this sheet.
Annual adjusted taxable income is the total of your:
- Taxable income as noted on your Australian Taxation Office Notice of Assessment; and
- Employer provided fringe benefits in addition to your salary that are over $1,000; and
- Foreign income that you do not pay tax on to the Australian Taxation Office; and
- Net loss from rental property; and
- Net loss from financial investments such as shares and managed investments; and
- Reportable superannuation contributions made by your employer as part of your salary package and personal superannuation contributions for which you can claim a tax deduction.
Your Personal Circumstances
- there is a change in your family circumstances, e.g. change in your relationship status, or a change in the number of your depend — e — nt children; or
- you and/or your partner are going overseas permanently or intend to go overseas for more than 13 weeks; or
- you and/or your partner are granted a pension, benefit or concession card from Centrelink.
You are also required under section 127 of the Veterans' Entitlements Act 1986 to inform this Department within 14 days if any events occur that may have an impact on your eligibility to receive seniors supplement.
You must notify us if you and/or your partner receive a supplement payment from Centrelink.
Please be aware that there are penalties for failing to comply with this notice.
More Information
Will my CSHC have any effect on my Seniors Card?
No. Your CSHC will not a — ffect your s — tate or territory Seniors Card in any way or your entitlement to any concessions you can get with a s — tate or territory Seniors Card.
What if I have a Repatriation Health Card from Veterans' Affairs?
You should continue to use your Repatriation Health Card (Gold or White Card) from Veterans' Affairs.
Will I have to re-apply each year for a new CSHC?
No. While you remain eligible a new CSHC will be automatically posted to you each year.
What if I have dependants?
Your CSHC does not give concessions to depend — a — nts. If you have depend — a — nts you can ask Centrelink about a low income Health Care Card. The low income Health Care Card offers the same pharmaceutical concessions as the CSHC and also covers depend — a — nts.
For further information about your CSHC, you can contact any Veterans' Affairs Office for a fact sheet or
visit our DVA website at http://www.dva.gov.au/factsheets
Source URL: https://clik.dva.gov.au/compensation-and-support-reference-library/departmental-instructions/2012/c142012-2013-commonwealth-seniors-health-card-cshc