
The purpose of this Departmental Instruction is to advise that the Australian Government has recently agreed to recommence ADF deployment with the Maritime Interception Force in the Persian Gulf.  A previous Determination of Hazardous Service was signed by the Minister of State for Defence Science and Personnel for and on behalf of the Minister of State for Defence, on 22 October 1991.  This previous determination was amended by the Minister for Defence, on 23 February 1996, to reflect the recommencement of this deployment.


2.The Determination of Hazardous Service, signed on 22 October 1991, determined service in the Defence Force to be hazardous service for the purposes of Section 120 of the VEA for:

Service afloat after 8 June 1991 in the Royal Australian naval or allied naval units deployed in the the waters of the Arabian Gulf, the Gulf of Oman, the Northern Arabian Sea, the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea bounded to the south and east by the following co-ordinates:

a.25°° 00' - 61°° 50' East

b.20°°00' - North - 61°° 50' East

c.11°°50' - North - 51°° 17' East.

New Determination

3.The new Determination of Hazardous Service was signed by the Minister for Defence, on 23 February 1996, under Section 120(7)(b) of the VEA, to:

a. amend the determination of hazardous service of 22 October 1991 that was made by the Minister for Defence Science and Personnel for the Minister for Defence, by inserting in paragraph (2) of that instrument immediately following the phrase “after 8 June 1991”, the phrase “and before 1 April 1996”; and

b. determine the following kind of service in the Defence Force to be hazardous service for the purposes of Section 120 of the Act, namely, service on or after 1 April 1996 in those international waters, contiguous ports and waters used for international navigation contained within the Arabian Gulf, the Gulf of Oman and the Northern Arabian Sea with an eastern extremity of 61 degrees, 50 minutes East and a southern extremity of 20 degrees North.

4.This amendment affects Departmental Instruction number B24/95, dated 4 April 1995, which summarises the Declarations of Hazardous Service.  Attachment A to this Departmental Instruction has been amended to incorporate the new Determination.  A copy of the revised Attachment A is enclosed.

Future Action

5. CCPS will be changed to reflect this information.






Date of Declaration

Date of Commencement

Iran Iraq - service in the waters of Gulf of Iran and the Gulf of Oman west of line joining Rass-El-Hadd and the southern end of the Iran Pakistan border, and the countries littoral to those waters, to a maximum distance inland of 50 km from the high water mark.

25 September 1992

Between 17 November 1986 and 28 February 1989

Gulf War - transit from last port of call in Australia to Operational Area

17 May 1991

From and including 2 August 1990 to and including 9 June 1991

Gulf War - transit from last port of deployment to Operational Area

17 May 1991

From and including 2 August 1990 to and including 9 June 1991

Gulf War - Service in the Royal Australian naval or allied naval units deployed in the following areas:  the water of the Arabian Gulf, the Gulf of Oman, the Northern Arabian Sea, the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea bounded to the south and east by the following coordinates:

a.25°° 00' - 61°° 50' East

b.20°°00' - North - 61°° 50' East

c.11°°50' - North - 51°° 17' East.

22 October 1991 (Amending determination on 23 February 1996 to include end date of “before 1 April 1996”)

After 8 June 1991 and before 1 April 1996

Gulf War - service in those international waters, contiguous ports and waters used for international navigation contained within the Arabian Gulf, the Gulf of Oman and the Northern Arabian Sea with an eastern extremity of 61 degrees, 50 minutes East and a southern extremity of 20 degrees North.

23 February 1996

Service on or after 1 April 1996

Gulf War in Iraq and Turkey - service with Allied Forces providing humanitarian aid to Kurdish refugees in Iraq and in the area of Turkey south of latitude 38º north.

22 October 1991

Service commencing on the day of arrival in the area specified, and ending on the day of departure from the specified area.

Gulf War - service in former operational area after cessation of period of operational service.

22 October 1991

After 8 June 1991

Iraq - service with UN Special Commission for the destruction of Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq, whilst in Iraq.

22 October 1991

Service commencing on the day of arrival and ending on the day of departure.

Afghanistan - service with the United Nations Office for Co-ordinating Assistance to Afghanistan (UNOCA) or the United Nations Mine Clearance Training Team (UNMCTT) in Afghanistan.

25 September 1992

From 8 June 1991

Cambodia - service in the area comprising Cambodia and the areas in Laos and Thailand that are not more than 50 kilometres from the border with Cambodia.

9 November 1993

On or after 8 October 1993

Mozambique - service as part of United Nations humanitarian operations while in the in area comprising Mozambique

1 August 1994

On or after 12 July 1994

Rwanda - service as part of the United Nations Assistance Mission for Rwanda (UNAMIR) while in the area comprising Rwanda and the areas in Uganda, Zaire, Burundi and Tanzania that are not more than 50 kilometres from the border with Rwanda.

5 August 1994

On or after 25 July 1994

Haiti - service while in the area comprising Haiti, as part of the United States of America led Multi-national force operating in that area.

21 November 1994

On or after 17 September 1994

Source URL: https://clik.dva.gov.au/compensation-and-support-reference-library/departmental-instructions/1996/c241996-adf-deployment-persian-gulf