2 Legislative Provisions

This chapter provides information about the legislative provisions that apply to DVA's rehabilitation assistance. Details about provision of rehabilitation available under each the Acts, delegations and determining 'reasonableness' can be found in specific sections of this chapter.

Source URL: https://clik.dva.gov.au/rehabilitation-policy-library/2-legislative-provisions

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2.1 Legislative Provisions

This chapter provides information about the legislative provisions that apply to DVA's rehabilitation assistance. Details about provision of rehabilitation available under each the Acts, delegations and determining 'reasonableness' can be found in specific sections of this chapter.

Source URL: https://clik.dva.gov.au/rehabilitation-policy-library/2-legislative-provisions/21-legislative-provisions

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2.2 The Veterans' Entitlement Act 1986 (VEA)

This chapter provides information about the legislative provisions that apply to DVA's rehabilitation assistance. Details about provision of rehabilitation available under each the Acts, delegations and determining 'reasonableness' can be found in specific sections of this chapter.

Source URL: https://clik.dva.gov.au/rehabilitation-policy-library/2-legislative-provisions/22-veterans-entitlement-act-1986-vea

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2.3 The Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation (Defence-related Claims) Act 1988 (DRCA)

This chapter provides information about the legislative provisions that apply to DVA's rehabilitation assistance. Details about provision of rehabilitation available under each the Acts, delegations and determining 'reasonableness' can be found in specific sections of this chapter.

Source URL: https://clik.dva.gov.au/rehabilitation-policy-library/2-legislative-provisions/23-safety-rehabilitation-and-compensation-defence-related-claims-act-1988-drca

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2.3.1 Rehabilitation Definitions

This chapter provides information about the legislative provisions that apply to DVA's rehabilitation assistance. Details about provision of rehabilitation available under each the Acts, delegations and determining 'reasonableness' can be found in specific sections of this chapter.

Source URL: https://clik.dva.gov.au/rehabilitation-policy-library/2-legislative-provisions/23-safety-rehabilitation-and-compensation-defence-related-claims-act-1988-drca/231-rehabilitation-definitions

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2.3.2 Part XI of the DRCA

This chapter provides information about the legislative provisions that apply to DVA's rehabilitation assistance. Details about provision of rehabilitation available under each the Acts, delegations and determining 'reasonableness' can be found in specific sections of this chapter.

Source URL: https://clik.dva.gov.au/rehabilitation-policy-library/2-legislative-provisions/23-safety-rehabilitation-and-compensation-defence-related-claims-act-1988-drca/232-part-xi-drca

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2.3.3 Part III of the DRCA

This chapter provides information about the legislative provisions that apply to DVA's rehabilitation assistance. Details about provision of rehabilitation available under each the Acts, delegations and determining 'reasonableness' can be found in specific sections of this chapter.

Source URL: https://clik.dva.gov.au/rehabilitation-policy-library/2-legislative-provisions/23-safety-rehabilitation-and-compensation-defence-related-claims-act-1988-drca/233-part-iii-drca

Last amended Section 36 Rehabilitation Assessments

This chapter provides information about the legislative provisions that apply to DVA's rehabilitation assistance. Details about provision of rehabilitation available under each the Acts, delegations and determining 'reasonableness' can be found in specific sections of this chapter.

Source URL: https://clik.dva.gov.au/rehabilitation-policy-library/2-legislative-provisions/23-safety-rehabilitation-and-compensation-defence-related-claims-act-1988-drca/233-part-iii-drca/2331-section-36-rehabilitation-assessments

Last amended Section 37 Provision of Rehabilitation Program

This chapter provides information about the legislative provisions that apply to DVA's rehabilitation assistance. Details about provision of rehabilitation available under each the Acts, delegations and determining 'reasonableness' can be found in specific sections of this chapter.

Source URL: https://clik.dva.gov.au/rehabilitation-policy-library/2-legislative-provisions/23-safety-rehabilitation-and-compensation-defence-related-claims-act-1988-drca/233-part-iii-drca/2332-section-37-provision-rehabilitation-program

Last amended The Right of Review

This chapter provides information about the legislative provisions that apply to DVA's rehabilitation assistance. Details about provision of rehabilitation available under each the Acts, delegations and determining 'reasonableness' can be found in specific sections of this chapter.

Source URL: https://clik.dva.gov.au/rehabilitation-policy-library/2-legislative-provisions/23-safety-rehabilitation-and-compensation-defence-related-claims-act-1988-drca/233-part-iii-drca/2333-right-review

Last amended Section 39 Provisions for Alterations, Modifications, Aids and Appliances

This chapter provides information about the legislative provisions that apply to DVA's rehabilitation assistance. Details about provision of rehabilitation available under each the Acts, delegations and determining 'reasonableness' can be found in specific sections of this chapter.

Source URL: https://clik.dva.gov.au/rehabilitation-policy-library/2-legislative-provisions/23-safety-rehabilitation-and-compensation-defence-related-claims-act-1988-drca/233-part-iii-drca/2334-section-39-provisions-alterations-modifications-aids-and-appliances

Last amended The Duty to Provide Suitable Employment

This chapter provides information about the legislative provisions that apply to DVA's rehabilitation assistance. Details about provision of rehabilitation available under each the Acts, delegations and determining 'reasonableness' can be found in specific sections of this chapter.

Source URL: https://clik.dva.gov.au/rehabilitation-policy-library/2-legislative-provisions/23-safety-rehabilitation-and-compensation-defence-related-claims-act-1988-drca/233-part-iii-drca/2335-duty-provide-suitable-employment

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2.4 The Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2004 (MRCA)

This chapter provides information about the legislative provisions that apply to DVA's rehabilitation assistance. Details about provision of rehabilitation available under each the Acts, delegations and determining 'reasonableness' can be found in specific sections of this chapter.

Source URL: https://clik.dva.gov.au/rehabilitation-library/2-legislative-provisions/24-military-rehabilitation-and-compensation-act-2004-mrca

2.4.1 Chapter 3 of MRCA

This chapter provides information about the legislative provisions that apply to DVA's rehabilitation assistance. Details about provision of rehabilitation available under each the Acts, delegations and determining 'reasonableness' can be found in specific sections of this chapter.

Source URL: https://clik.dva.gov.au/rehabilitation-policy-library/2-legislative-provisions/24-military-rehabilitation-and-compensation-act-2004-mrca/241-chapter-3-mrca

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2.4.2 Rehabilitation Definitions

This chapter provides information about the legislative provisions that apply to DVA's rehabilitation assistance. Details about provision of rehabilitation available under each the Acts, delegations and determining 'reasonableness' can be found in specific sections of this chapter.

Source URL: https://clik.dva.gov.au/rehabilitation-policy-library/2-legislative-provisions/24-military-rehabilitation-and-compensation-act-2004-mrca/242-rehabilitation-definitions

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2.4.3 Rehabilitation Assessments

This chapter provides information about the legislative provisions that apply to DVA's rehabilitation assistance. Details about provision of rehabilitation available under each the Acts, delegations and determining 'reasonableness' can be found in specific sections of this chapter.

Source URL: https://clik.dva.gov.au/rehabilitation-library/2-legislative-provisions/24-military-rehabilitation-and-compensation-act-2004-mrca/243-rehabilitation-assessments

2.4.4 Provision of Rehabilitation Programs

This chapter provides information about the legislative provisions that apply to DVA's rehabilitation assistance. Details about provision of rehabilitation available under each the Acts, delegations and determining 'reasonableness' can be found in specific sections of this chapter.

Source URL: https://clik.dva.gov.au/rehabilitation-library/2-legislative-provisions/24-military-rehabilitation-and-compensation-act-2004-mrca/244-provision-rehabilitation-programs

2.4.5 Alterations, Aids and Appliances Relating to Rehabilitation

This chapter provides information about the legislative provisions that apply to DVA's rehabilitation assistance. Details about provision of rehabilitation available under each the Acts, delegations and determining 'reasonableness' can be found in specific sections of this chapter.

Source URL: https://clik.dva.gov.au/rehabilitation-policy-library/2-legislative-provisions/24-military-rehabilitation-and-compensation-act-2004-mrca/245-alterations-aids-and-appliances-relating-rehabilitation

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2.4.6 Assistance in finding suitable work

This chapter provides information about the legislative provisions that apply to DVA's rehabilitation assistance. Details about provision of rehabilitation available under each the Acts, delegations and determining 'reasonableness' can be found in specific sections of this chapter.

Source URL: https://clik.dva.gov.au/rehabilitation-library/2-legislative-provisions/24-military-rehabilitation-and-compensation-act-2004-mrca/246-assistance-finding-suitable-work

2.5 What are some of the key differences between Rehabilitation under VVRS, DRCA & MRCA

This chapter provides information about the legislative provisions that apply to DVA's rehabilitation assistance. Details about provision of rehabilitation available under each the Acts, delegations and determining 'reasonableness' can be found in specific sections of this chapter.

Source URL: https://clik.dva.gov.au/rehabilitation-policy-library/2-legislative-provisions/25-what-are-some-key-differences-between-rehabilitation-under-vvrs-drca-mrca

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2.6 Special Rate Disability Pension (SRDP)

This chapter provides information about the legislative provisions that apply to DVA's rehabilitation assistance. Details about provision of rehabilitation available under each the Acts, delegations and determining 'reasonableness' can be found in specific sections of this chapter.

Source URL: https://clik.dva.gov.au/rehabilitation-policy-library/2-legislative-provisions/26-special-rate-disability-pension-srdp

Last amended

2.7 Deeming a Client Able To Earn

This chapter provides information about the legislative provisions that apply to DVA's rehabilitation assistance. Details about provision of rehabilitation available under each the Acts, delegations and determining 'reasonableness' can be found in specific sections of this chapter.

Source URL: https://clik.dva.gov.au/rehabilitation-policy-library/2-legislative-provisions/27-deeming-client-able-earn

Last amended

2.7.1 Background to Deeming a Client Able to Earn

This chapter provides information about the legislative provisions that apply to DVA's rehabilitation assistance. Details about provision of rehabilitation available under each the Acts, delegations and determining 'reasonableness' can be found in specific sections of this chapter.

Source URL: https://clik.dva.gov.au/rehabilitation-policy-library/2-legislative-provisions/27-deeming-client-able-earn/271-background-deeming-client-able-earn

Last amended

2.7.2 What are our obligations to assist a person find suitable work

This chapter provides information about the legislative provisions that apply to DVA's rehabilitation assistance. Details about provision of rehabilitation available under each the Acts, delegations and determining 'reasonableness' can be found in specific sections of this chapter.

Source URL: https://clik.dva.gov.au/rehabilitation-policy-library/2-legislative-provisions/27-deeming-client-able-earn/272-what-are-our-obligations-assist-person-find-suitable-work

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2.7.3 What are the legislative provisions that allow a delegate to deem AE?

This chapter provides information about the legislative provisions that apply to DVA's rehabilitation assistance. Details about provision of rehabilitation available under each the Acts, delegations and determining 'reasonableness' can be found in specific sections of this chapter.

Source URL: https://clik.dva.gov.au/rehabilitation-policy-library/2-legislative-provisions/27-deeming-client-able-earn/273-what-are-legislative-provisions-allow-delegate-deem-ae

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2.7.4 What are the differences in deeming between DRCA and MRCA?

This chapter provides information about the legislative provisions that apply to DVA's rehabilitation assistance. Details about provision of rehabilitation available under each the Acts, delegations and determining 'reasonableness' can be found in specific sections of this chapter.

Source URL: https://clik.dva.gov.au/rehabilitation-policy-library/2-legislative-provisions/27-deeming-client-able-earn/274-what-are-differences-deeming-between-drca-and-mrca

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2.7.5 When a person may be deemed with an ability to earn

This chapter provides information about the legislative provisions that apply to DVA's rehabilitation assistance. Details about provision of rehabilitation available under each the Acts, delegations and determining 'reasonableness' can be found in specific sections of this chapter.

Source URL: https://clik.dva.gov.au/rehabilitation-policy-library/2-legislative-provisions/27-deeming-client-able-earn/275-when-person-may-be-deemed-ability-earn

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2.7.6 Managing the Deeming Process

This chapter provides information about the legislative provisions that apply to DVA's rehabilitation assistance. Details about provision of rehabilitation available under each the Acts, delegations and determining 'reasonableness' can be found in specific sections of this chapter.

Source URL: https://clik.dva.gov.au/rehabilitation-policy-library/2-legislative-provisions/27-deeming-client-able-earn/276-managing-deeming-process

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2.8 Travel and Accommodation Costs

This chapter provides information about the legislative provisions that apply to DVA's rehabilitation assistance. Details about provision of rehabilitation available under each the Acts, delegations and determining 'reasonableness' can be found in specific sections of this chapter.

Source URL: https://clik.dva.gov.au/rehabilitation-library/2-legislative-provisions/28-travel-and-accommodation-costs

Last amended

2.8.1 Travel for VVRS

This chapter provides information about the legislative provisions that apply to DVA's rehabilitation assistance. Details about provision of rehabilitation available under each the Acts, delegations and determining 'reasonableness' can be found in specific sections of this chapter.

Source URL: https://clik.dva.gov.au/rehabilitation-policy-library/2-legislative-provisions/28-travel-and-accommodation-costs/281-travel-vvrs

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2.8.2 Travel to attend a Rehabilitation Assessment

This chapter provides information about the legislative provisions that apply to DVA's rehabilitation assistance. Details about provision of rehabilitation available under each the Acts, delegations and determining 'reasonableness' can be found in specific sections of this chapter.

Source URL: https://clik.dva.gov.au/rehabilitation-policy-library/2-legislative-provisions/28-travel-and-accommodation-costs/282-travel-attend-rehabilitation-assessment

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2.8.3 Travel to participate in a Rehabilitation Program

This chapter provides information about the legislative provisions that apply to DVA's rehabilitation assistance. Details about provision of rehabilitation available under each the Acts, delegations and determining 'reasonableness' can be found in specific sections of this chapter.

Source URL: https://clik.dva.gov.au/rehabilitation-policy-library/2-legislative-provisions/28-travel-and-accommodation-costs/283-travel-participate-rehabilitation-program

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2.8.4 Travel and accommodation provisions where a client is entitled to costs relating to travel for treatment or a rehabilitation assessment

This chapter provides information about the legislative provisions that apply to DVA's rehabilitation assistance. Details about provision of rehabilitation available under each the Acts, delegations and determining 'reasonableness' can be found in specific sections of this chapter.

Source URL: https://clik.dva.gov.au/rehabilitation-policy-library/2-legislative-provisions/28-travel-and-accommodation-costs/284-travel-and-accommodation-provisions-where-client-entitled-costs-relating-travel-treatment-or-rehabilitation-assessment

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2.9 Delegations

This chapter provides information about the legislative provisions that apply to DVA's rehabilitation assistance. Details about provision of rehabilitation available under each the Acts, delegations and determining 'reasonableness' can be found in specific sections of this chapter.

Source URL: https://clik.dva.gov.au/rehabilitation-policy-library/2-legislative-provisions/29-delegations

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2.10 Determining the 'reasonableness' of a request for a rehabilitation item or service

This chapter provides information about the legislative provisions that apply to DVA's rehabilitation assistance. Details about provision of rehabilitation available under each the Acts, delegations and determining 'reasonableness' can be found in specific sections of this chapter.

Source URL: https://clik.dva.gov.au/rehabilitation-policy-library/2-legislative-provisions/210-determining-reasonableness-request-rehabilitation-item-or-service

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