13.1 Rehabilitation rights and obligations
A person's rights and obligations when undertaking rehabilitation are contained in the standard forms titled 'Rehabilitation Rights and Obligations' available through the DVA forms portal. The form will vary depending on the type of rehabilitation program they are participating in.
It is important that a person's rights and obligations are provided to them at the time they are referred for a rehabilitation assessment.
DVA must retain a record of the relevant form provided to the client, and details of how this was provided.
Further information about the rights of clients participating in a rehabilitation plan can be found in section 13.1.1 of this Guide. Information about the responsibilities of clients participating in a rehabilitation plan can be found in section 13.1.2 of this Guide.
Source URL: https://clik.dva.gov.au/rehabilitation-policy-library/13-rights-and-obligations/131-rehabilitation-rights-and-obligations
13.1.1 What are a person's rights?
A person's rights and obligations when undertaking rehabilitation are contained in the standard forms titled 'Rehabilitation Rights and Obligations' available through the DVA forms portal. The form will vary depending on the type of rehabilitation program they are participating in.
It is important that a person's rights and obligations are provided to them at the time they are referred for a rehabilitation assessment.
DVA must retain a record of the relevant form provided to the client, and details of how this was provided.
Further information about the rights of clients participating in a rehabilitation plan can be found in section 13.1.1 of this Guide. Information about the responsibilities of clients participating in a rehabilitation plan can be found in section 13.1.2 of this Guide.
Source URL: https://clik.dva.gov.au/rehabilitation-policy-library/13-rights-and-obligations/131-rehabilitation-rights-and-obligations/1311-what-are-persons-rights
13.1.2 What are a person's obligations?
A person's rights and obligations when undertaking rehabilitation are contained in the standard forms titled 'Rehabilitation Rights and Obligations' available through the DVA forms portal. The form will vary depending on the type of rehabilitation program they are participating in.
It is important that a person's rights and obligations are provided to them at the time they are referred for a rehabilitation assessment.
DVA must retain a record of the relevant form provided to the client, and details of how this was provided.
Further information about the rights of clients participating in a rehabilitation plan can be found in section 13.1.1 of this Guide. Information about the responsibilities of clients participating in a rehabilitation plan can be found in section 13.1.2 of this Guide.
Source URL: https://clik.dva.gov.au/rehabilitation-policy-library/13-rights-and-obligations/131-rehabilitation-rights-and-obligations/1312-what-are-persons-obligations