F-111 Tier Classification and Claims Assessment Procedures
20. It is essential that staff involved in all aspects of the F-111 claims process are mindful of the Government's intention that both tier classification reviews and applications are treated in a beneficial and inclusive way when being assessed and determined in accordance with the MRCC approved Guidelines on the Use of Statutory Declarations (see Attachment C). Claimants are to be given every reasonable opportunity to gather the necessary evidence to support their claims. DVA, with the assistance of the RAAF Technical Team, is to make efforts on behalf of applicants to locate primary, secondary and tertiary evidence for tier classification decisions and to assist tier claimants with locating third persons for supporting statutory declarations.
21. The checklists at Attachment D must be followed when assessing and determining claims for Tier classification, health care and compensation relating to involvement in F-111 fuel tank maintenance. These procedures are the same as those circulated previously to F-111 compensation staff. They have been included in this Businessline for completeness. There is a dedicated F-111 tier and claims processing team in Brisbane which is responsible for determining all Veterans' Entitlements Act 1986 (VEA) and SRCA claims from former F-111 maintenance personnel. All such claims must be referred to that team.
Source URL: https://clik.dva.gov.au/military-compensation-srca-manuals-and-resources-library/f-111-desealreseal/policies-and-procedures-processing-compensation-claims-submitted-f-111-desealreseal-personnel/f-111-tier-classification-and-claims-assessment-procedures