9.1.14 Toe impairment

Toe impairments which compensated under this element of the Table of Injuries in the 1930 Act are:

Nature of Injury


Loss of great toe


Loss of any other toe


Loss of two phalanges or joints of any other toe


Loss of phalanx or joint of great toe


Loss of phalanx or joint of any other toe


Note that certain losses affecting toes are covered under other descriptions:

loss of foot: 'Leg and Foot Impairments', see above.

Note that the loss of a left toe is a separate injury from loss of the right toe and both losses are compensated by a lump sum.

Loss includes permanent loss of use

Loss of a toe includes the permanent loss of the efficient use of the toe (LOEU) because of the effect of S12(6) of the 1930 Act. For a more detailed discussion of LOEU see below.

Historical Rate Increases – 1930 Act

A table that sets out the dates of rate increases and the applicable maximum amount of compensation can be found earlier in this section.

Source URL: https://clik.dva.gov.au/military-compensation-srca-manuals-and-resources-library/permanent-impairment-handbook/ch-9-1930-act/91-table-injuries/9114-toe-impairment