5.8.3 NEL Table B3 - Other Loss

Table B3 is used to assess losses of a non-economic nature where it is clear that a particular element of NEL cannot be adequately assessed under Tables B1, B2 or B4. A score out of 3 is given and then combined with the scores derived from Tables B1, B2 and B4 using the combined value calculation in Table B5.

To obtain a rating under this table, it must be demonstrated that the injury or impairment has resulted in a personal deprivation or disadvantage other than the experience of pain, suffering, loss of amenities or loss of life expectancy. The factors to be considered include:

  • dependence upon external lifesaving or supporting machine (for example, aspirator, respirator, dialysis machine, or any form of electro-mechanical device for the sustenance or extension of activities)
  • dependence upon a specialised diet
  • detrimental effects of climatic features (for example, temperature, humidity, ultra-violet rays, light, noise, dust)
  • move to specially modified premises.

A claim for a score under this table must also be carefully examined to ensure that there is no duplication of benefit within the NEL process.

Source URL: https://clik.dva.gov.au/military-compensation-srca-manuals-and-resources-library/permanent-impairment-handbook/ch-5-calculation-using-approved-guide/58-nel-part-b-amount-tables-1-5-and-questionnaire/583-nel-table-b3-other-loss

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