10.4 'medical treatment' - S4(1), 1930 Act
'Medical treatment' is defined in S4(1) of the 1930 Act in a way that is reasonably consistent with the SRC Act:
'medical treatment' means:
a)medical or surgical treatment by a duly qualified medical practitioner
b) treatment by a registered dentist, a registered physiotherapist or a registered masseur
c) the provision of skiagrams, crutches, artificial members and artificial replacements
d) treatment and maintenance as a patient at a hospital, or
e) nursing attendance, medicines, medical and surgical supplies and curative apparatus supplied or provided in a hospital or otherwise.
Source URL: https://clik.dva.gov.au/military-compensation-srca-manuals-and-resources-library/medical-treatment-handbook/ch-10-definitions/104-medical-treatment-s41-1930-act