9.2.5 Delegates to retrieve and audit all documents in contentious cases
In fact, Delegates should not hesitate to apply directly to SAM for copies of all relevant medical documents from file, in cases where matters of diagnosis and date of onset of a condition are unclear, based on documentati — on provided by the employee. Cases have been known where employees have edited those medical documents which come into their possession, i.e. prior to passing these to the Delegate. Delegates may therefore choose to request ADF Health Records directly thr — o — ugh a DOCTRACKER request to SAM, in all contentious cases involving diseases.
Source URL: https://clik.dva.gov.au/military-compensation-srca-manuals-and-resources-library/liability-handbook/ch-9-defining-injury/92-need-clear-and-accurate-diagnosis/925-delegates-retrieve-and-audit-all-documents-contentious-cases