12.4 Suspended Clients to be Advised Promptly

Although S57 is self-executing, it is reasonable and necessary to inform the client that he/she has in fact been suspended – i.e. by means of their own action in not attending the appointment. Delegates should use the Defcare standard letter designed for this purpose. This letter emphasises that it is not a determination, i.e. it contains no decision on the matter and that the effect of the 'self executing' nature of a S57 suspension is that it is not appealable to the AAT. (Note: There is no decision for the AAT to review.)

The client's only formal means of appeal or redress at this stage, lies with a legal challenge under S39B of the Judiciary Act 1903. The standard letter advises the client to seek legal advice on this possibility if considering such a challenge.

Source URL: https://clik.dva.gov.au/military-compensation-srca-manuals-and-resources-library/liability-handbook/ch-12-suspension-under-s57-failure-attend-medical-examination/124-suspended-clients-be-advised-promptly