7.1.9 Interpretation - 'death, or absence from Australia, of a person'
The deeming provision in S53(3)(c) and S53(4(c) of the 1971 Act should be applied where the client's failure to give notice of injury resulted from:
- the death of the client, or some other person (e.g. depression arising from the loss of a sp — ouse or child affected the client's capacity to attend properly to their personal affairs)
- absence from Australia of the client or some other person.
It is not necessary for the death or absence from Australia to b — e the sole cause of the failure to give notice, but there must be more than a minimal causal connection.
Source URL: https://clik.dva.gov.au/military-compensation-srca-manuals-and-resources-library/liability-handbook/ch-7-notice-injury/71-notice-injury-srca-1988/719-interpretation-death-or-absence-australia-person