20.1.2 Paid for by the Commonwealth
The phrase 'paid for by the Commonwealth' is to be taken to refer to medical treatment provided to the memb — er by ADF Health Services, either directly by ADF medical personnel or by a private provider on referral from, and at the expense of, the ADF.
The phrase is NOT to be taken to have the possible wider meaning of paid by the Commonwealth through Medicare b — ulk billing or through some other Commonwealth medical assistance program.
This policy approach is justified by the statutory context in which the phrase occurs. Section 6A was inserted by the Military Compensation Act 1994, and is clearly intended as a s — pecial supplementary benefit for members available only in a military context.
Source URL: https://clik.dva.gov.au/military-compensation-srca-manuals-and-resources-library/liability-handbook/ch-20-injuries-medical-treatment/201-unintended-consequences-medical-treatment/2012-paid-commonwealth