6.8.3 Procedure on receipt of pre-1993 claim
On receipt of a claim relating to a pre-1993 injury, RCG locations should:
- first search Defcare for a record of any earlier claim for the same injury
- where the Defcare search is negative but the Delegate nevertheless suspects that a prior claim exists (or the claimant recalls earlier dealings with RCG):
- A request should be sent (via email) to “Records and Mail Services” in each state to search fo — r a possible paper file under the persons name. Failing that....
- A request should be sent to SAM to contact the Defence records authority nationally to check the old manual records for traces of a claim.
Source URL: https://clik.dva.gov.au/military-compensation-srca-manuals-and-resources-library/liability-handbook/ch-6-claims-compensation/68-reviving-old-inactive-claims/683-procedure-receipt-pre-1993-claim