34.5.1 Calculation of NWH for Reservists

NWH for Reserve service is calculated using the following formula:

Reserve NWH = (6 hrs x Annual Parades)  x 6/313

Annual Parades = the number of parades attended during the past 12 months

Example – NWH for a member who attended 70 parades:

(where each parade is not less than 6 hours)

= (6 x 70) x 6/313

= 420 x 6/313

Reserve NWH = 8.05 hours

Civilian NWH = 36.75 hours

TOTAL NWH = 44.8 hours

Information relating to rank and pay level and previous days/parades attended can be obtained through DVA SAM.

Source URL: https://clik.dva.gov.au/military-compensation-srca-manuals-and-resources-library/incapacity-handbook/ch-34-payments-after-45-weeks-and-adjustment-percentage-s192b-3/345-nwh-reservists/3451-calculation-nwh-reservists