31.8.2 Which Military Pay Scale is relevant to current and discharged clients?

The military pay scales relevant to a currently serving full-time ADF member are those current at the period of incapacity (i.e. current while the member is losing rank, pay levels or allowances due to the injury).

The military pay scales relevant to a discharged full-time member are if discharged before1 October 2001, the Military Pay Scales current at discharge.

If discharged after 1 October 2001, the pay scale current on 1 October 2001, (but that aggregate NWE is thereafter updated annually via the WPI – see 31.3 and 31.3.1).

Source URL: https://clik.dva.gov.au/military-compensation-srca-manuals-and-resources-library/incapacity-handbook/ch-31-normal-weekly-earnings-nwe/318-nwe-military-salary-full-time-members-serving-and-ex/3182-which-military-pay-scale-relevant-current-and-discharged-clients