36.2.2 'wholly or mainly maintained' - S19(12)(b)(iii)

'Maintain' is not defined in the SRCA, however its dictionary meaning gives a clear guide to the ambit of the phrase:

2. support (life, a condition, etc.) by work, nourishment, expenditure, etc.

In the context, 'wholly or mainly' should be given the same meaning as wholly or mainly dependent, i.e. the person was maintained by the client to a greater degree than by any other person.

Source URL: https://clik.dva.gov.au/military-compensation-srca-manuals-and-resources-library/incapacity-handbook/ch-36-minimum-payment-and-statutory-rates-s196-14/362-prescribed-person-ss198121314/3622-wholly-or-mainly-maintained-s1912biii