31.2.5 NWE Summary by category of client - Full-time member (still serving)

1.NWE is (military salary for rank/pay-level) + (allowances rec'd), all at injury.

2.Using DocTracker, request information on the client's rank/pay group and nature/amount of any allowances payable (see 31.8) via the DVA Single Access Mechanism (SAM).

3.This request should confirm the duration of any disability allowances i.e. 'but for' the injury:

–note this does not apply to skill and qualification allowances.

4.Adjust NWE at point in time where the disability allowance would have ceased:

–i.e. when it would have ceased anyway, had the injury not happened.

5.Adjust NWE by applying new Military pay rates directly to current rank/pay group.

6.NWE is updated to the new rank/pay group with clients post injury promotions:

–but of course AE then rises also and will equal or exceed the lost pay levels.

Source URL: https://clik.dva.gov.au/military-compensation-srca-manuals-and-resources-library/incapacity-handbook/ch-31-normal-weekly-earnings-nwe/312-calculation-nwe/3125-nwe-summary-category-client-full-time-member-still-serving